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Showing most liked content on 04/08/2016 in all areas

  1. ____ I'm so excited! I hope the teaser trailer tomorrow is good.
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  2. Hasn't this been discussed like, a billion times? And the answer is always that the amount of work to do it would far outweigh the potential benefits. Besides, these guys KNOW this engine. They know it as intimately as a woman(or man. no judging ). Trying to go from the W3D engine to the Unreal kit is like trying to put a lion in Antarctica. And they actually enjoy using it. It's outdated as hell, sure, but they like it.
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  3. I thought somebody died, from reading the thread title D:
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  4. And also to be fair, heavy tanks have that 5m range advantage that, on maps with enough space to allow it, lets them get the first hits in on mediums AND dodge the first hits from mediums if they back up so that the med shells explode just before impact. Which just about assures the HT's victory unless they screw up aiming too much. Mediums get higher-velocity shells that don't receive penalties versus heavy or mammoth armour - a trait that helps differentiate them from the light tank which is more for handling light vehicles, since it has a higher general DPS than the medium but does suffer penalties vs heavier armours. Heavy tanks and medium tanks have the same health and armour so it doesn't really matter. Doesn't seem to stop Soviets from claiming more wins than Allies (in games with high enough player counts that unit/map balance actually starts to matter compared to player skill) on Guard Duty or River Raid where the heavy is the Soviets' only choice of tank...
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  5. Redid the MCT last week for the guys at APB. It's the first contribution I've made to APB since 2006.
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  6. It doesn't hurt to try and enter. At the least, it's fun. I can't even win anything because I work for Quixel, but I still entered. Here's some fun I had last night with the RAAPB logo that I built in 2005? 2006? It's at least nine years old at this point.
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  7. We could always potentially bolt a couple of TD maps onto Reborn in the future if the assets are available and we have time.
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