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Showing most liked content on 06/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Sarge : PLASTRO! Why don't you put that gun down and face me like a man? G.Plastro : Because I am a bad guy that's why. EDITED: Generals Plastro is the main Villain in the ARMY MEN series, until Sarge's War where he died? I think.
  2. Sorry, I was that arty.
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  3. Let's try a different approach. Make a shortcut to the RA3 executable, and put the -ui parameter at the end of the Target entry to load the RA3 Control Panel (autorun for DVD versions). There, you will have the Game Browser option, which will list all (properly) installed mods and let you launch them. The shortcut should look like this: OR.... put the parameter MPRA2 gave you to the same location instead of -ui to launch the mod automatically each time you use that shortcut... -modconfig "C:\path\to\the\"modname_modversion".skudef"
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  4. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do. EIther make everything stealthed or allow hitboxes to be seen even outside of the gap, as I told you ingame earlier.
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