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Showing most liked content on 07/03/2016 in all areas

  1. I usually don't care when people use profanity, be offensive and whatnot, I occasionally do it myself, and I know Mackintoke does it a lot however I feel that Mackintoke took it too far yesterday when talking about MPRA2. Sure, MPRA2 was venting due to his game experience, which can be annoying, and I've done it myself too (sorry!), but I don't believe that he should be killed in real life because of this. I don't care for Mackintoke's reasons, if he was joking or not, this should be totally unacceptable. I just wanted to put this out there, for multiple reasons. And also because I don't think this is the sort of environment we should be greeting potential new players with. Edit: I love how I can not reply to my topic in this section... It has nothing to do with you refilling, Mack. I don't recall giving up or changing the subject, but you can believe whatever you want to believe. I honestly forgot all about that. It's about the fact that you're always being inappropriate in the chat. I'm not going to read your whole post because I don't care, at the end of the day you still said what you said. And the fact that the first two replies, two mods and one being a lead developer, agree with this says a lot. And Voe, it's not about being "triggered" so get over yourself.
  2. I actually like having the in-game menu and feel it's an essential part of the Red Alert nostalgia. To see it ever go would be really sad and would kill part of APB's connection to RA1, IMO. Plus it's important to have as an alternate way to access the game for people who, for one reason or another, have problems getting the launcher to work, or simply prefer not to use it for whatever reason.
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  3. I hopped in briefly on the tail end of the evening, unfortunately I had to bail quickly again as I was having latency problems with the server (I think it is a routing issue). I hope people enjoyed it. I do wonder, was there are specific point new/casual players consistently mentioned as a potential problem? A question that needed answering a lot?
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  4. Thanks for a good night of gaming. I saw a loooot of new faces, including a few rookies who may not have played the original Renegade . I cant recall I have ever seen this many online, and I think it was a great succes.
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  5. Did the advanced naval yard layout confuse them to the point where they considered you to be part of the environment, or what? Edit: Wait, you're an Allied spy, why are you spying on your own team?! sometimes when ispy i forget what team im on. Like this one time i accidently stole a teammates demo in our base. it was horrible we all died
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