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Showing most liked content on 07/06/2016 in all areas

  1. That moment when your flare is so destructive that it pushes the EVA announcements into the next match.
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  2. Uninstalling the 32-bit version of MSVC 2015 allows the W3D Hub client's installer for Red Alert: A Path Beyond to complete - I can now play it just fine!
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  3. Fun fact is Makintocke makes a few good points about psychology and human behaviour^ Also, it wasn't a "you should kill yourself" insult, neither was it a threat (really guys?). Not to mention that MPRA2 didn't complain personally, so I wouldn't consider this complaint relevant anyway. Mackintoke is an active member of the community, good teamplayer, pleasant to have on your side. I would trade him for many others in a heartbeat. I would, for one, like the !mute command to come back. Talking shit should be countered by muting, not kicking-banning. Imho definitely not a ban case.
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  4. Most of the screenshots i take is me getting MVP to brag about it later, but let me take a look if i can post anything else. Classic.bug: It still works: Soviets without War Factory against all-based allies, final results: I was a spy. Stole a supply truck in the most unfortunate moment: ALSO NOTE FOR YOU, PUSHWALL:
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  5. Curse whatever God you worship because if sammyd and JackSparrow are your teammates, that means they have abandoned you. TL;DR of entire situation: >be me >have mentioned two as only teammates >already get trashed by their shittalk about super plan (get mads in 3v3 glhf) >dont give a damn and try to do my best >Roam through map with V2, get surprisingly caught by AI enemies when trying to pick up crate in church (1st game on new stormy, please understand) >get killed by AI >respawn in base >meanwhile those two found MCV and started shouting at each other, standing with MCV in middle of base, using horn as often as possible >they dont give a fuck about ranger passing next to tgem with 2 shotties inside because why not, mcv so kool and useful >be in 1v2 situation where we lose our radar and almost lose refinery >they started hampering helping only when i called them retards and buildings were at 50/25% of hp >surrender seeing them arguing about mcv when attack get somehow stopped I dont know what have i done to deserve this.
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  6. Did the advanced naval yard layout confuse them to the point where they considered you to be part of the environment, or what? Edit: Wait, you're an Allied spy, why are you spying on your own team?! sometimes when ispy i forget what team im on. Like this one time i accidently stole a teammates demo in our base. it was horrible we all died
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