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Showing most liked content on 08/09/2016 in all areas

  1. Thats one thing that I have always found interesting about APB. I have rarely seen this happen and end badly, so do it to it guys! Don't horde up cash from the guys that are joining mid-match! Donating is teamwork! (And you can do it as an engi from behind your wrench at the MCT ) Every little bit helps.
  2. Hey will the cruiser be included in this update?
  3. Now I am good to go and ready to play! I will hopefully manage to join in the next battle
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  4. Had a great game today, thanks to everyone for showing up on such short notice! Here's one for the team that was present today, seems about right!
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  5. Lets go Allied infantry: Thief. Nothing like no-sound of rapid fire Silenced Berreta at the morning. Soviet infantry: Grenadier. After latest changes, this class requires a lot of skill but is very rewarding if played properly. Allied vechicle: Medium tank. I had a small battle to choose either med or arty, but im feeling better with med most of time. Soviet vechicle: You all know the answer. You know why. If not, ask Delta. Aerial: Longbow. I dont usually fly but LB is decent against all threats. Naval: Only (Stolen) Missile Subs. Hi Mackintoke!
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  6. I'm not knowledgeable on modding either engine, but I would hazard a guess that it would probably be nearly impossible to load a .w3d level into the source engine without some major fanagling/converting. However....assets such as infantry models, tank models....etc would possibly be more doable. What you'll run into though is whether or not the creator of said assets would permit you to use them in such a scenario
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