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Showing most liked content on 09/30/2016 in all areas

  1. So tiberium took over the Earth in CnC just because Voe was too dead to pay off the forklift? Damn, we should've lynched him Day0 before he got it. Anyway, I think I'll use the same format we used a bit earlier @@vote shoot Jeod (Don't use ## as it may be considered a fake action which is against the rules) Also @@vote shoot was a mafia edit. Voe, Nodlied and Isaac did not endorse said suggestion Damn it, Vert, can you separate these things somehow so it won't look so weird?
  2. Every day voe doesn't pay off the forklift another tiberian crystal grows up.
  3. KY if you are able to scout me tonight, like this post. Cat5 if I should guard someone with a HT if you give me one, like this post. Chaos_Knight if Cat5 liked this post, give the training to KY and not me. Mafia edit: bah. dont do the likes then. I'll fortify myself right now and you guys decide who gives what to who then.
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  4. That said, I really, REALLY think that penalty votes should NOT count for insta-hammer D:
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