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Showing most liked content on 10/31/2016 in all areas

  1. Comrades! 20 years ago, on 31 October 1996, Command & Conquer: Red Alert was released! What are your favourite memories from playing this game? I've also made a small commemorative post on GameReplays to help the nostalgia and memories flash
  2. Good thing I posted after And yeah, around here folks are likely to do the same sort of things. Toilet paper sells really well this time of year.....
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  3. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update This is a minor one, just to fix a few crippling issues (and some less crippling ones that I noticed along the way) and tweak naval balance a tad. More maps will come soon! This is a minor one, just to fix a few crippling issues (and some less crippling ones that I noticed along the way) and tweak naval balance a tad. More maps will come soon! Changelist INFANTRY Credit yield of sergeant up from 20 to 30 (matches new price) Credit yield of rocket soldier up from 60 to 80 (matches new price) VEHICLES V2 arc shots no longer explode in midair at long range. Gunboat cannon damage down from 70 to 65. Gunboat depth charge splash damage down from 80 to 60. Gunboat depth charge splash radius down from 25 to 22.5. Gunboat maximum turret tilt up from 7.5 to 8.75 degrees. Longbow damage multiplier to naval units down by 10% (1 -> 0.9) Longbow damage multiplier to submerged subs down by 67% (0.15 -> 0.05) APC maximum turret tilt up from 30 to 45 degrees. APC projectile velocity up from 250 to 500m/s. APC damage multiplier to air units up by 17% (0.75 -> 0.875) Light Tank maximum turret tilt down from 35 to 30 degrees. Medium Tank, Heavy Tank, Mammoth Tank maximum turret tilt down from 20 to 17.5 degrees. Mobile AA Gun now has alternate cameras. Phase Tank physics redone to be less slippery and accelerate/decelerate more quickly. Hind damage multiplier to heavy vehicles up by 11% (0.225 -> 0.25) Hind damage multiplier to air units up by 10% (0.5 -> 0.55) Air units' rotors no longer have camera collision as this caused the camera to freak out when flying close to a friendly flier. BUILDINGS Pillbox has its old sound back. Pillbox damage down from 10 to 9. AESTHETICS Mobile AA Gun and Mobile Gap Generator driver/passenger no longer hover above their seats. MAPS RA_Antlion Added ambient sounds. RA_AS_Seamist Soviet Helipad should function properly now. Shallows are no longer darkened like deep water is. RA_CoastalInfluence Fixed terrain seam by Allied forward service depot. Fixed river transparency. RA_Fissure Re-enabled Thieves. Flamethrowers and Thieves (TL2 units) cost double the normal amount of credits. RA_RiverRaid Moved rock at front of Soviet WF that was easy to get stuck on. RA_ToTheCore Added ambient sounds.
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