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Showing most liked content on 11/02/2016 in all areas

  1. It's not solid. It doesn't have to be solid. It's filled with this grid pattern, which is called "infill" and is calculated by the slicer software. Default settings are 20% infill, which means the grid pattern consists of 20% PLA and 80% air. This doesn't sound like much, but I think the models are already quite durable. I didn't try to break one on purpose, but they don't seem that fragile to be honest. And I mean in the end they are just miniatures, you put them somewhere and look at them. Having a 20% plastic grid inside makes them already stronger than all the models of tanks and planes and whatsoever that you buy for instance from Revell, which are all hollow. These will actually break more easily than my models.
  2. Hey folks, Kalle Bowo here. Some of you might still know me as the guy who worked on the graphics for the Renegade mod "CnC Reborn" or who dressed up in his Nod uniform at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany (the Avatar, yes, that's actually me, 10 years ago ^^). I thought you might be interested in my latest CnC related project. Since I bought a 3D printer this year I started building a miniature base inspired by Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. If you want to see more, you can visit my website www.printed-armies.com And if you want to stay in touch, you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I heard social media is kind of the new thing ... here are some examples of what I did so far, enjoy
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  3. I'd rather have an option for ConYard to allow reconstruction of destroyed buildings (not defences), now that would certainly made it more viable. But would also be annoying on maps like ridge or KOTG. And "lone wolfs should be rewarded" is 50/50 because it would either promote split tactics or promote solo play. Knowing part of playerbase it would go the 2nd way. Also, sneak tactics already exist and are not hard to pull off even with enemy con yards doin their jobs.
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  4. The CY repair is good enough to halt lone wolfs who decide that while the entire enemy army is busy fighting off a tank rush, they can sneak in and finish off the refinery with one captain or rifle soldier. I say leave it as it is. Introducing delay-repair would cause a whole bunch of new balance issues because the current system, though slow, buys time for the team to respond to sneaky rushes etc. It promotes skill.
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  5. I can't speak for the scripts gurus, but if someone can pull of a delayed-repair logic it would be a good idea. In the C&C Universe we can pretend that 15 second delay is the Commander finding the Repair icon on the sidebar and clicking on the damaged structures.
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  6. It's always a good time to celebrate RA1! If anyone's down for some CnCNet play, let's play some sometime.
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  8. A few videos below.
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