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Showing most liked content on 11/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Wut, does it count as demo n00bing if you actually make it to your target a good portion of the time? Because if so, maybe I should have put down ktrs instead...
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  2. Favourite Staff Jerad2142 Funniest User Mackintoke (#FreeMackintoke. QUIT BEING SUCH A DUMBASS AND PLAY BY THE RULES YOU FUCK! I <3 you) Most Helpful Everyone, you da real MVP Biggest Spammer Testament (screw your rules! I do what I want) A Path Beyond EEEEEECCCCEEEDUBYA Best Player: Forget. THEY SENT HIM TO SAN CASINA, DESTINED TO FAIL. HOWEVER, WE FORGOT WE WERE DEALING WITH FORGET Tactical Espionage Action: Fogbot, everytime he raids my property I actually rage IRL Demo-n00b Straight up dickheads: Everyone except Ganein, Jerad, Forget, & me A Path Beyond: Best Player: Every hardened professional in the National Liberation Front. We make AW look like an LARP in comparison to the Navy SEALs Tactical Espionage Action: Whoever wants to do crazy shit with me. FRAYDO, Pushwall, Mackintoke, etc DEMO-n00b: MPRA. You'd be good if you worked on your aim as much as you bitch my friend.
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