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Showing most liked content on 12/31/2016 in all areas

  1. [blurb]AR December Update[/blurb] Welcome to the DecembAR update! New soldiers join our roster! Note: Click images for big. Allied G.I. Out with the old GDI Soldier placeholder, in with the new and complete Allied GI! Modeled, textured, and finally in-game, the Allied GI is ready for some action! Created by @One Winged Angel and @Romanov together, the GI makes up the core of the Allied infantry. For close quarters combat, GIs are armed with the MPK5. Taking a more defensive position, GIs may also deploy a protective ring of sandbags around them and open fire with the FN Minimi Para. The Allied GI marks another completion to the RA2:AR infantry roster, as well as a huge milestone for the team. It feels great in-game, it's fitting of the Red Alert 2 style, and just looks badass. "Squared away, sir!" Soviet Desolator Hailing from Soviet-aligned Iraq, the infamous Desolator makes his appearance! Equipped with the dangerous rad-cannon and protected by his radiation suit, the Desolator is a potent anti-infantry unit. Firing a concentrated beam of radiation from the shoulder-mounted rad-cannon, the Desolator can melt away enemy personnel and wipe out entire squads. Additionally, the Desolator can deploy his rad-cannon and make a toxic environment for the enemy. While having to be immobile to do so, a deployed Desolator offers area-of-denial, forcing the enemy to rethink their advances. Desolator model and rad-cannon model created by @Romanov. "There goes the neighborhood!" New Team Member! True to our word of always hiring new team members, @devilslayersbane has recently been hired onto our staff. Given the task to produce a new Portable Flak Cannon, devilslayersbane set out to do just that and presented our Soviet Flak Trooper with a new toy. Project Leads One Winged Angel and moonsense715 were thoroughly impressed and had to show us internally for opinions and thoughts. Needless to say, we absolutely approved of it and welcomed him aboard with open arms. Official joining as a Modeler, devilslayersbane will be a valuable addition to the Apocalypse Rising team and to our W3D Hub staff. "This gun's heavy." Allied War Factory Internal moonsense715 continues to work diligently on our buildings and has further improved the Allied War Factory, both internally and externally. It's but a few textures away from being complete, and yet moonsense has made amazing progress on this visually appealing structure. "Vehicle ready." Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. Team Messages OWA is currently working on another game that you might just see in a Humble Bundle in January. moonsense715: *Tasks overload* Killing_You has been upgrading vehicle engine and weapon firing sounds. FRAYDO: Ready for the new year! 2017 will be grand! End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!
  2. Hey guys! I figured it was time for a new tutorial covering the absolute basics of Photoshop and NDO, and then segueing into more advanced techniques from the foundations. If you're interested, check it out! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vxqxE
  3. Writing tutorials can be tiresome and often under appreciated work. It's usually not the writing that causes problems or delays, it's the editing and proof reading (followed by more editing).
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  4. Awesome new infantry textures. I tend to think of the rad-cannon as a step up from the tesla cannon Simply because the desolator irradiates his targets instead of just frying them. Although both are beam weapons.
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  5. Not yet, nope. I may write one in the future. This took me two weeks to write, so I'm definitely taking a break from tutorials for a bit.
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