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Showing most liked content on 03/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Haha well Mario APB had to get patched out eventually, 10/10 best Nintendo game ever
  2. [blurb]Many changes for APB since the forum upgrade! Read all about it![/blurb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Apologies for the long wait; the forum changes slowed things down a bit. However, I managed to cram more into this update as a result! GENERAL AI-controlled Allied/Soviet bots and defenses now earn points for their team when they damage or kill things, so they will no longer put close games in jeopardy when they steal your kills. AI-controlled combat units now use moonsense715's refined AI, which will attempt to strafe in combat, and not get too close to its target (except melee ants). Hitbeeps have been disabled entirely since CJ is no longer around to fix the issues with them (most notably, the "60 hitbeeps per second if you cause a damage-over-time effect" one). Hitmarkers are still there though. INFANTRY Issue with sniper camera on map transitions should be fixed for real this time. Infantry armour-shredding capability of weapons has been enhanced further for things that are supposed to be good at it, and nerfed for things that are supposed to be bad at it. (Shredding = how much armour damage is dealt compared to health damage.) Machinegun/Sergeant slug/flame weapon shredding improved from 100% to 150%. Flame weapons have zero shredding against Flamethrowers, Volkovs and Engineers (i.e. the same infantry that can't be set on fire) - saving the first two from some of the wrath of their own weapons. Assault rifle shredding improved from 75% to 100%. Dragonsbreath shotgun shredding weakened from 75% to 50%. Pistol/sniper/non-incendiary shotgun shredding weakened from 50% to 25%. Shell/rocket shredding improved from 100% to 200%. However, due to the added splash damage that has zero shredding, it's not that high in practice (but still more than the health damage in most cases). Artillery splash shredding weakened from 62.5% to 50%. Tanya, Volkov, Medics and Engineers have twice as much armour as they do health. Infantry can now regenerate up to 100% health when out of combat (balancing out the now much higher likelihood that most of them willl have no or very little armour). Shells/rockets do 25% less damage to infantry (this is countered by the improved shredding - you're very likely to 100% break the target's armour leaving them ripe for splash) Using a medic kit on a fully healed infantry unit will now instantly refill their armour. Technician/Sniper Spies now have no armour, so that they are not immediately given away when someone targets them and sees an armour bar. To compensate, they have 75 health. This tradeoff can be either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what weapons you're facing. Sprinting speed boost increased (30% -> 40%). Grenadier/RPG Trooper are no longer missing their head hitbox. Ants' speed increased (Scouts 10 -> 12, Fires 9 -> 10, Warriors 8 -> 10) to compensate for the increase in sprint speed and ants' forward charge being slowed by the occasional strafe. Fixed missing killstring for Fire Ants. Ant bites now deal splash damage against infantry, so they will still be lethal if they're in a place where their bite can "miss" your infantry. Ants now cause periodic damage to infantry that are within their minimum range. Technician bots are much more inaccurate than before. Technician bots no longer attempt to target vehicles; that feature may have contributed to the "panicked" motif but it also made them the ultimate Phase Tank detectors. Sergeant bots now always use the slug shot. Engineer C4 now kills basic base defenses (Pillbox, Flame Tower, AA Gun, SAM Site) in one shot. Shotgun chance to burn increased (20% -> 40%). Burn damage has now been split into two types: slow and quick. Previously all burn damage was 7.5 HP over 6 seconds (1.25 per second). Slow burn damage is 7.5 HP over 10 seconds (0.75 per second) and quick burn is 5 HP over 3 seconds (1.667 per second). Slow burn damage is used by flamethrowers, nukes and barrels; the longer duration means anyone who gets burned and retreats has to wait longer before they can regenerate health, but the lower damage per second makes it slightly worse in direct combat with flamethrowers (but only slightly as the burn damage is not much compared to the splash damage). Quick burn damage is used by dragonsbreath shotguns and artillery; the higher damage per second makes it better if you can land repeated hits in close combat to reapply the burn, but the lower total means it's worse if you can't do that (so for the arty/V2 it's a straight up nerf). Makarov and Beretta now have slightly different behaviour from each other, like how they did back in Beta. Magazine sizes now match their real-world counterparts (8 for Beretta, 12 for Makarov; was previously 10 for both). Reserve ammo of limited-ammo versions is altered (40 for Beretta, 48 for Makarov; was 50 for both). Beretta now does slightly more damage (9 -> 10). Makarov has a higher ROF (4/sec -> 5/sec) but has lower damage (9 -> 7.5). Silenced Beretta now has higher damage (12.5) instead of higher ROF. Makarov and Beretta now have slightly different behaviour from each other, like how they did back in Beta. VEHICLES Fixed an ancient bug where minelayers would automagically create a "free" mine if they were within the range of an explosion that belonged to the driver. (For example, the explosion of one of their own mines, which would result in an infinite chain of mines.) Fixed a bug where MAD Tanks dealt double damage to the SD/RPAD/Silo. Fixed a bug where manually detonating your own Demolition Truck would cause you to lose points for "teamkilling" it. Damaging/killing any other friendly objects will still cost you points though. MRJ jamming range increased (300m -> 350m). Credits received for damaging Supply Trucks now properly matches 20% of their price like everything else (60 credits instead of 40). Clarified MAD Tank's detonation timer of 30 seconds in the help text. Neutral supply trucks can now spawn in various states of disrepair (25%, 50%, 75% or full health). APC anti-mine splash damage up by 50%. AP mines no longer deal pity damage to vehicles. Ranger max speed increased (16 -> 17). Mammoth Tank rocket splash damage decreased (37.5 -> 30), radius increased (12 -> 14), cover penetration increased (20% -> 25%). Phase Tank splash damage increased (22.5 -> 25), radius increased (8 -> 9), cover penetration increased (20% -> 25%). Attack Sub splash damage increased (40 -> 60), radius increased (10 -> 14). Mobile AA Gun should no longer have a dodgy handbrake when spawned. V2 should no longer aim up so much while camera is looking to the side/rear. Gunboat cannon damage increased (65 -> 70). Reduced points value of a bunch of units: Ranger (75 -> 50). Ore Truck (125 -> 100). Phase Tank (150 -> 125). Tesla Tank (150 -> 125). BUILDINGS War Factory now has some large wooden crates in the back, providing ample cover and hiding places for infantry. Construction Yard has more large wooden crates for cover/hiding, mostly around the main door. Construction Yard main door trigger zone is smaller, so it will not be triggered by infantry hiding behind the new crates. Advanced Naval Yard's front gate has been idiot-proofed in various ways. Long story short it should be much harder for the gate to lift a boat, and even if it does, the boat shouldn't end up stuck when it happens. Construction Yard main door now correctly blocks helicopters. Walking onto depressed grate floors in the Advanced Naval Yard and Advanced Sub Pen should no longer cause your weapon to become inaccurate. Added some small crates to Naval Yard, to make it possible to climb up onto the containers and large crates. Tesla Coil charge time reduced from 3.83 to 2 seconds, and now has a 2 second cooldown after firing. So it's slightly slower in a drawn-out fight but its faster initial response should even this out. Naval factories now allow you to sell naval units! However, this causes your infantry to eject at the usual spot (the stern for boats, the bow for submarines) or just straight up drops them into the water if it can't eject properly, so I recommend doing this as close to shore as possible - or on Hostile Waters, just accept the death of your infantry. Base defenses are more fragile in small games. The fewer players there are, the more damage defenses take, up to a maximum of +50% damage at 0-2 players. At 10 or more players, they receive the same amount of damage they did in previous patches. Weapons with limited ammo do not benefit from this damage bonus (except the MAD Tank and crate versions of weapons that are normally infinite). AESTHETICS A familiar sound is now played when selling vehicles. (Mobile) AA Guns now have a visible tracer beam like the Pillbox. Animation of incoming nuclear missile has been refined; it now flies much faster, has trails like the one coming out of the silo, doesn't sink into the ground, and falls at a less ridiculous angle. Dead SD/RPAD should respond a little better to the area lighting. The old radar dishes in the Radar Dome have been replaced with the Advanced Naval Yard one. All instances (as far as I know) of the "small wooden crate" prop have been replaced by the one seen on RA_Siege, as the Siege crate is less performance-hungry. All power line transformers now have the appropriate sound effect. Mammoth Tanks now have exhaust smoke. Ore in the back of Ore Trucks is less blocky and doesn't shade as weirdly. Tracks of Tesla Tank/Mobile Radar Jammer animate faster. Fixed a sorting issue with the glass of the Cargo Truck. Gunboat/Destroyer rotors are now animated. Sinking Destroyers and Missile Subs don't emit smoke/fire anymore. Sinking Attack Sub now repeats its alarm like the Missile Sub does. Sinking naval unit bubbles spread out more. MAPS Opened a few shipping containers on various maps. (I forget which.) RA_AS_Seamist "Mission timer initialised" and "20 minutes remaining" speech no longer overlap. RA_CamosCanyon_Bots This map had to be rebuilt from the vanilla RA_CamosCanyon due to corruption in the previous Bots map file, so some unit placements may not be the same as they were before. Allied AI Ore Truck now collects ore properly. RA_Complex Expanded lighting around the Service Depots. RA_ForestOfIllusion Fireproof suit now increases maximum armour by 50%, like the heart container does for health, rather than a flat 50 points (you can't get naked characters on this map anyway). RA_GuardDuty Added a prop in the Soviet ore field to climb on to allow Allied infantry an easier route to the ore silo. RA_HostileWaters The bomb crate now actually explodes, and will destroy your helicopter if you're riding one. (The heli will still shield your infantry from the instant death like it did before.) RA_KeepOffTheGrass Added extra neutral supply truck in the central gem field. Moved the neutral supply truck that was near the Allied base onto the "lonely mountain" (i.e. the place in the opposite corner of the map from the house, which rarely had any reason to be climbed). RA_PacificThreat Added a small island on the west side of the battlefield, between the two main islands. This allows infantry taking the "long route" to stay hidden more easily. RA_RidgeWar Added extra neutral supply truck by the central mammoth tank wreck. Shack Service Depot rubble no longer clips into the shack's basement. RA_RiverRaid Removed base defenses. Added concrete walls covering the opposite base entrance from the one that already had walls. RA_Siege Added a neutral supply truck in the courtyard; there are a few different places it can spawn. RA_StormyValley Fixed some sticky rocks. Added extra neutral supply truck near the top of the mountain road. RA_ToTheCore Tesla Coil behind the Soviet War Factory is downgraded to a Flame Tower. Removed the concrete wall behind the Soviet Refinery to afford more coverage for its Flame Tower. RA_Wasteland Teamed supply truck no longer respawns. Added neutral supply trucks (also non-respawning) by the wrecked Allied base and wrecked Soviet tank column. Starting units are now based on player count: 2+ players: Supply Truck 4+ players: Ranger 8+ players: Medium Tank/Heavy Tank 12+ players: Light Tank/Tesla Tank After 10 seconds have passed, these spawns are "locked" and adding more players will not activate more of them. RA_Zama Removed the Service Depot closest to each team's Missile Silo.
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  3. I just finished activating all the towers last night myself. I haven't attempted a single divine beast yet, though. I did, however, make an absurd attempt at entering Hyrule Castle while still at 4 Hearts. I flew in from the North and landed on the ground just past the moat. I slipped around 3 different types of Guardians and found an entrance to what seems like a basement level of the castle. After exploring around for a while, I encountered one of those stone bosses that I don't know how to deal with yet. It was guarding the only path I could use to move ahead, so I collected everything I could and tried to teleport out...only it didn't allow me to travel to a tower like normal. I could only "Leave Area". Which when I did that, it took me right to the deepest point of Castle Town. I hadn't yet been to Castle Town. Hell, I hadn't been anywhere in that province yet except for the bit of the Castle I just explored. I was now surrounded by unfamiliar territory and enemies that I simply couldn't handle. For the fun of it, I tried to sneak out of there and maybe see if I could reach that provinces' tower while I was there. I went around slowly and carefully, avoiding stationary Guardians I could see while also keeping track of a moving one that kept pinging me, and got all the way to the southern exit of the town. That exit was guarded by an already moving Guardian, and it saw me before I even attempted to exit. At that moment I was pinned between that one ahead of me and the other which had been searching for me the whole time to my back and right. I suspected I would find another to my left if I ran that way, so I took that moment to abuse the quick travel function to escape that mess. I knew the whole attempt would be largely pointless, but damn if that wasn't fun!
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  4. Something that comes to mind here then, would be to have two MK.II presets, the current 'walking' one, and a preset for an unoccupied "resting" state; imagine a resting dog position with the legs pulled in, in order to lower the body to the ground. This would considerably reduce the scale of the physical model, and allows you to 'fix' the transitions this way. Naturally, scripting logic would need to be created for this, as well as an animation that transitions between the two states. Bonus point here is that you could add wheels or tracks to the sides of the legs that would enable the unoccupied version of the MK.II to ride while in unoccupied 'resting mode', meaning also that the GDI War Factory doesn't need to be idiotically huge if the MK.II can come rolling out of it in this form.
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