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Showing most liked content on 07/05/2017 in all areas

  1. I've been sitting on some of these clips for a couple of weeks now. I only now decided to stop being lazy and edit them.
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  2. Ramming was bad back before Gamma because it resulted in either party being sent to blue hell - no longer the case. Now it's only considered bad against ore trucks, but even then, if they're on open ground they tend to not have trouble getting back on track after being rammed.
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  3. I don't do this sort of stuff, but this kind of tutorial is easy to follow and I understand it. Now if only I could draw textures that don't look like a 5-year-old did them. D:
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  4. An attempt to add bots to Wasteland hits a snag in how long the bots take to form attack teams. This is sped up 5x (so it takes 2 mins 30 secs for them to move out) and uses 40 bots just so that the attack team being formed can live long enough to move out. Which means I can't use the source audio because it's just a buzzsaw of nonstop M16/AK sounds.
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  5. + free points. Also, more
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  6. More screenshots from Beta times, part 2.
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