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Showing most liked content on 08/03/2017 in all areas

  1. I wasn't aware that forg0ten1 had other talents besides buying spies and being a pain in the arse.
  2. It wasnt me. It was forg0ten. Nice to see progress. Hopefully we will get a lot 20+ people matches after 2.0 is live. Nice to see my maps back. Im really happy how Tiber, Omega City and Dam turned out regarding playabilty. Perhaps I will have some time to make 1 or 2 new maps after release, alltough I must admit that its not easy to create fun Reborn maps,
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  3. You might be thinking of forg. I do remember him posting updates on that back at BHP. Even was doing work on his own map back then too. @forg0ten1 Welcome back, Commander.
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  4. I'm gonna throw you guys a little bone: Someone in this thread has already stated the correct answer. (I won't say who, though )
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