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Showing most liked content on 02/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Yeah, actual pilotable Kirovs! They are a bit on the small side currently because they have to actually fit inside the War Factory, but we're planning on scaling them up a bit in the future. The current idea is to have them inflate as they come out of the top of the War Factory. The size and slowness is actually fine for lag! It's fast vehicles that cause issues. Here's a quick video:
  2. Using "Anarchy Road" by Carpenter Brut. It took me like 4 months because I don't have much time anymore and because I'm pretty shonky at animating but was really fun and I think looks pretty good.
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  3. For the temp rocket emplacements missing settings: Click the SpawnDefinitionIDList, find out what presets the spawner is pointing to, and then find and edit those presets instead of the spawner. Spawners only spawn other objects, you can't edit those objects' settings from the spawner dialog. (Don't mind that these are APB settings, I couldn't be bothered to get the ren LE for this ) For pickups that increase health instead of restoring: Under the settings for Powerups, check out GrantHealthMax and GrantShieldStrengthMax, and the associated "tick this for percentages" boxes. If those boxes are unticked, the powerup will increase the user's max health or shield by exactly the number you put in the Max box, but if they are ticked, it'll increase max health/shield based on a percentage of the max health of the user's character class (where 1.00 = +100% max health). So in this example screenshot, this pickup with 0.1 in both GrantMax and the percentage options ticked, increases the user's maximum health and shield by 10% (and also full heals due to the 999, if you don't want that just set those to 0), which would give +5 max health/shield if you're using a character with a fresh max health/shield of 50, and +100 max health/shield to a character with a fresh max health/shield of 1000.
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  4. It isn't a mafia game if I'm not yelling at VERTi60 over something.
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  5. I like my coffee, Like I like my women...
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