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Showing most liked content on 03/05/2018 in all areas

  1. It's rather simple. We first need to count how many hostiles we have and, then, see if roleblocking somebody ends up in a lower tally of hostile actions. Of course, the plan isn't fullproof and will take time, but it's just one way of finding scum. Come at me Choppy!
  2. Renegade turns 16 years old today! This game has shaped all of our lives in some way and is the reason why W3D Hub exists as a community today! This odd little game released and captured the hearts of many C&C fans with it's unique multiplayer mode back in 2002 (and during the beta before that). The fact that the game was so flexible from a modding standpoint has pretty much brought us to where we are now. Here's a nice article about Greg Hjelstrom developing the modding tools for Renegade, most of which we still use today: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2002/02/01/cc-renegade-designer-diary-pt-7 Consequently Renegade X, the UDK re-imagining of C&C Renegade also turns 4 years old today! Big congrats to the team over at https://renegade-x.com for all of their hard work! I think Renegade X developer (and C&C Reborn alumni) FobbyGen said it best on the Renegade X Facebook page earlier today, so here's a slice of what he wrote. Check out the full post here: https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX/posts/10156246743512431 I think that it's astonishing that even today Renegade continues to get a somewhat small but steady stream of players that keep the game alive for anyone wishing to return to it. Renegade Forums may be very quiet these days, but that hasn't stopped communities like W3D Hub from flourishing and building our own fan-bases. Keep your eyes peeled in the next few days for some more exciting announcements about some of the stuff we've got planned for this year! [thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png[/thumb][blurb]Happy 16th birthday to Command and Conquer Renegade! Also a happy 4th birthday to Renegade X![/blurb]
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