Lets get s a few things clear and check the logs for proof
I didn't know it was you (wnxh3adsh00t)as I dont have IRC. So to clear this up I nevere know a person when they come under a smurf name not that it mattered in this instance
I never once spoke "trash" to you
You first started messaging me (open chat) to leave the server and go to sniper server
You then purchased a 36 inch and left it in the base for several minutes while you left the base to snipe
I asked you nicely (via PM) to come and get it because people were complaining as it was locked in base
you didn't....obviously
An ion storm came and someone said unlock it or they will get into in base and destroy our base while storm was going
I quicked you
you then came back in with my real name or to that effect (GavinFaggotChedder) and you have been warned not only by me but admins not to do this
I think kicked you for 24 hrs
you then came back with a name n0gger (nigger?) but because the 24hr kick was in effect it auto kicked you
you then came into TS and abused me again
All always have an issue with mods as you have had several run ins, JoMamma etc..
If an admin see fir to remove you kick then so be it otherwise dont use my real name or anyone else for that matter
If you are personally threatening me then that is fine we can lets other authorities deal with that.
My advice to you is to play within the rules
Rules below...No impersonation of any form
Always follow the instructions of moderators
English is the main language on this server so please speak English when playing with other people. (if you are just with 2 people then it's fine just as long as you speak English when there are more people of whom you are unsure if they speak English). If you want to speak in a different language to someone please use the PM system. Open a chat window press '/' and start typing the name of the recipient. Press space and then type your message.
No cheating
No impersonation of any form, be it either clans, players, or both. This includes wearing clantags of a clan you are not part of, or making a tag to make it look like you are part of a clan that you are not part of. Examples an [sG] member wearing the |-TA tag or a -|TA member wearing a [sG]- tag.
No Team-hampering
No blocking the AI Ore Trucks
No unfair bug abuse
No Killwhoring or any other kind of whoring (these issues will only result in a ban or kick if it is done on a daily basis and is bad for the community)
No abusive language of any sort.
No ban or kick evading.
Breaking any of these rules may result in a timed ban, kick(24 hr ban) or a qkick(warning kick, aka quick kick).