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Showing most liked content on 11/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Far as the vehicle up there that should not be allowed. We will need to either remove !vehicle or update to send player back to base to receive their vehicle. Discussing how to handle internally now. Until server side has been updated mods will need to keep an eye on this and handle it. Building defenses on top of structures as you see in the pic is fine. But not on cliff / hills overlooking opposing base.
  2. When you missed the Autumn-Halloween Build, the best is to push it out the following season, which is now. -To begin, the M113 Chassis has been revamp, for all M113 vehicles such as the M901 Tow, M579 Repair, M132 Zippo, M113 HVMS, and M113 ADATS. G6 Rhino is the revamp of the Nod famous Artillery unit. M113 Armored Personal carrier. Can be a Gun platform, a support or a utility vehicle. Vile Facility Remaster or shall we say Remake? Just like Winter Assault, Vile Facility took its original design from the old and remake from ground up to accommodate the future proof build of the upcoming units and its feature. It is 25% larger than the previous Vile Facility, which add various objects, props and structure from RA1 universe which currently is not in use but will be activated in the near future, it is by far the most detail map I ever made second to Winter Assault. I cannot say for sure but stay tune. Year 2020 ( "Wawasan" 2020 ) will be another amazing chapter. Added Construction Yard Added Communication Center Added Forgotten War Factory 90% of the buildings in this map you may enter. RA1 Advanced Power Plant, Ore Refinery and Radar Dome are in, their feature and usage are limited as their feature is not yet in. Screenshot near to Nod Power Plant Screenshot near to GDI Base by the abandon Ore Refinery ( Hint future usage ) Screenshot Water Pump house. Screenshot Fort Kick Ass, well is Container Fort. I recall OWA mentioned something about it. Changelog as listed below. Any hot fix will be edited on the change log above. Date will be included below...
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  3. As you all know, every year I take some time to participate in the local 48 hour film festival by Missouri Western State University. For those unfamiliar, teams of filmmakers are given 48 hours to write, shoot, edit, and submit a short film based on an assigned genre. In addition, each team is required to have three elements; a character (Chris, a patient), a prop (broom), and a line (Where have you been all my life?) Two years ago, we drew Action/Adventure, made Just Libby, winning Best Use of Prop and Best Use of Character. Last year, we drew Noir, made Always Together, and won Best Editing and Best Use of Line. This year, we drew Horror, made Dead Ringer, and won Best Special Effects and Best Original Score. As always, I loved every second of making this, and I look forward to hearing what you all have to say!
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  4. That is a good point, and I think I agree to an extent. I think the main issue with spies comes more down to low or lowish population servers. That and spies can get a repair gun really easily, which shouldn't be an issue at keeping them from getting into buildings since people put them on the ceiling anyways, but it does mean they can easily navigate tunnels. And if they just never run into another player since defenses ignore them, they can very easily get a beacon plant and I highly doubt people will expect a spy at least the first time. There's also spy crates. Tertiary note, I think that Stealth Comanches should be reverted to their old only guns version. The Anti Tank Comanche is just too powerful at controlling the skies since they just really don't have any counterplay. They can wait for an ORCA to either engage something else or turn their back and get a free kill, no real counterplay to speak of.
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