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Showing most liked content on 05/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello, and welcome to yet another development update from the Ground Zero team! It's been a little while, but we do have some stuff for you! LauncherYou may have noticed that Ground Zero has made an appearance on the launcher. Yes, we got some things sorted over the past week, and can now start testing on a regular basis. Development is on the verge of kicking into high gear, and this is part of the process! Asset CollectionFor those of you paying attention to Discord a few days ago, Synaesthesia AKA The Artist Formerly Known As Aircraftkiller shared a bunch of source files for Tiberian Dawn buildings he had made in the past. This is going to give us quite the leg up in development. Unfortunately, they're not *quite* ready to show off just yet, but as soon as they are, you'll see them here! GDI BarracksEven before this happened, however, @Ice took the liberty of starting on a new GDI Barracks! Even at this early stage, this is a good indicator of the art direction that GZ is taking; drawing inspiration from multiple sources (the original game, the remasters, real life equivalents, etc...) to bring the best blend of realism and C&C accuracy possible. IconAnd that's not all! @CCHyper has generously crafted an icon for us to use! This will show up on the GZ tab on the launcher, and I have to say, it looks amazing! ConclusionThat's all we have today, but fret not- development on GZ is beginning to ramp up, and we'll have more stuff coming your way! Until then, have a good one! [blurb]You may have noticed Ground Zero on the launcher recently! Well, we've got some news to go along with it![/blurb]
  2. Area 69 has been a mainstay since RP2. I could never get very far into this base when I was younger, but now the powers of the paladin course through my debit card and progress is surmountable. This time around I tried to make something you can easily print out onto a sheet of A4. My previous ECW sewers map turned out to be a bit unwieldy to use whilst playing. As denoted on the map: not to scale, not all secrets marked and trap streets cannot be ruled out. Good luck! militbase_V1.pdf militbase_V1.svg
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  3. You can check everything DS related in that topic I posted for references - it includes all character, item and action sheets, google docs, locations and media. Dead Space 1 & 2 was basically just a Dead Space themed Mafia game with a unique mechanic that allowed players to return to the game as Necromorphs when they were killed (not spaced); a unique item Marker (or marker shard) that also changed and/or influenced the characters interacting with it; and finally, similar to Star Wars Mafia or other RPG games I hosted, a unique character development and customization, including weapons and loadouts. Since DS1 & 2 were done and played on each single ship infested by necromophs there wasn't much of a exploration to do, but in DS3 I also introduced multiple locations, sections, levels and objectives, including more factions with different objectives (because of this we had plenty of of "fun" as cat5 put it). DS4 was made completely for RPG experience, it was played as D&D, both coop and competitive. Exploration was key to progress in the game, and players had to work together in order to advance to next locations. Each location was a maze of rooms or connections to other locations: Overall we had 135 playable locations filled with items, puzzles, NPCs/monsters that you had to get through, a couple of minigames, 30 playable characters, 30 different NPCs, 40 different weapons made of several parts that you could craft, ... all packed up and divided into 19 chapters! When I'll have time I'll include more info on this in the topic above since there was just too much of it, and also because there might be a sequel to the RPG to conclude the story (we played the RPG for several months and it was already too much). I've also made a Battle mode where all the fighting players changed turns in order to fight the NPCs or other players, just like you saw in the Star Wars Duels but with more items, player conditions and actions (similar to Final Fantasy RPG battle system). Example First you need to decide how much RPG you want to have - from DS1 to DS4 there's a big difference already. One is done in few weeks other in few months, so you need to plan character development, story, items and overall objectives accordingly to fit in your vision. Once you are decided on that you can start tweaking it as you wish. In all DS games, player characters were "recycled", which gave the game unique feeling of development. Hence dead players returned as Necromorphs, spaced players returned as Unitologists, or any other faction that was present. It give both the dead and surviving players something to do until the game was concluded (usually everybody died anyway eventually, sometimes we had 1 survivor escaping just like in original Dead Space saga, e.g. the "Alien Ending"). Players usually started as marines and engineers, with only few that had different objective from other TP faction so that we could use traditional mafia mechanics as well. The game developed once people actually started dying, as it introduced more enemies to the surviving factions, but through game progression their characters were already prepared and developed to fight them (well someone was someone wasn't ). Make an interest threat once there is vacuum of games and see. You really need players to be less occupied for RPG game, trust me on that one.
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  4. Yeah, I think you could easily get multiple people interested in it. Quite a few of us play over complicated RPG or strategy games already. Main thing is you'd need to set it up so you have some sort of time limit to drive the story along so you're not stuck waiting on other players to post.
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  5. Has anyone found the jetpack yet? Area 69 came from the RP2 days which I believe pre-date Jerad. I have a hunch that Area 69 is supposed to be a defence force against the deer. Area 69 is somehow the "sensible military" in this game (an unusual trope given the genre & other themes). Thankyou Cat. Glad it has been useful. Certainly. I'm not sure how ECW is licensed; but I'm happy for this to be CC BY, public domain or anything similar (if there are no objections). Maps should be photocopied and shared until the point strangers are accidentally stepping on them on the streets. I was planning to make a few more black-and-white A4-style maps for parts of the game that are hard to memorise. Alas I only tend to make these things when I'm sick and off work, so it'll probably be another 2 years until you see more stuff :P
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