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Showing most liked content on 05/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello, and welcome to yet another development update from the Ground Zero team! It's been a little while, but we do have some stuff for you! LauncherYou may have noticed that Ground Zero has made an appearance on the launcher. Yes, we got some things sorted over the past week, and can now start testing on a regular basis. Development is on the verge of kicking into high gear, and this is part of the process! Asset CollectionFor those of you paying attention to Discord a few days ago, Synaesthesia AKA The Artist Formerly Known As Aircraftkiller shared a bunch of source files for Tiberian Dawn buildings he had made in the past. This is going to give us quite the leg up in development. Unfortunately, they're not *quite* ready to show off just yet, but as soon as they are, you'll see them here! GDI BarracksEven before this happened, however, @Ice took the liberty of starting on a new GDI Barracks! Even at this early stage, this is a good indicator of the art direction that GZ is taking; drawing inspiration from multiple sources (the original game, the remasters, real life equivalents, etc...) to bring the best blend of realism and C&C accuracy possible. IconAnd that's not all! @CCHyper has generously crafted an icon for us to use! This will show up on the GZ tab on the launcher, and I have to say, it looks amazing! ConclusionThat's all we have today, but fret not- development on GZ is beginning to ramp up, and we'll have more stuff coming your way! Until then, have a good one! [blurb]You may have noticed Ground Zero on the launcher recently! Well, we've got some news to go along with it![/blurb]
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