With EA having purchased Westwood, yeah. Definitely not. I would even go as far to say Renegade was the product of EA trying out something to earn more profit. If there was a chance it would have to have been due to Westwood really trying to adapt to the market at the time frame or survive bankruptcy by adaptation. As a result the game would have been subpar unless they spent even more money in development or hiring other people. Which of course defeats the purpose of making Renegade 2.
Anytime! While it's always great to watch game companies past/future speculation, it's also very important to look at the economic factors surrounding the time period to help gain insight into why things occur or would have.
EA at the end of the day is a corporation. They are alive now due to the actions they've taken in the past. While it's dishearting for players like us, when you can pump out shit and people will buy it in droves... it doesn't matter when you go home in your Mercedes and you're an executive. Why would you ever stop doing what makes you money in any business. This outlook directly conflicted Westwood when they were purchased by EA. Westwood took their time with games and made revolutionary fun things. Their importance and focus was "We want to make fun games that we can't stop testing, playing and staying at work for". EA in an attempt to gain more money cut costs and rushed out production so that they could make more money. Westwood did the best with what they could untill 2005 when most if not all quit and went to work at Petroglyph Games. To give you an idea of how much Westwood cares about their games and players.. they restored the internet to a 14 year old game so people can play multiplayer again for free.
It's just not profitable enough. Even if Westwood stood on their own and made it through they would have to create something other than RTS games. What we knew westwood studios for is a product of their time unfortunately in my belief. Although I saw a trailer earlier on our discord I believe of Westwood making a Renegade Clone. Idk if someone can pull it up but it's basically the spiritual successor to Renegade.