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Showing most liked content on 03/29/2021 in all areas

  1. Ngl seeing [GAME OVER] has been about the only time I was sure of this game's status. Adding to that I wasn't as invested in this as I initially thought I would be, sorry about that.
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  2. Thanks, I’m sure I’ll have a million questions so I’ll continue this on discord.
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  3. I understand which is why in some of the points (Like the golaith) I reccomended it be moved to locations that only have 3 slots filled at the moment instead of the maximum 4. I'm very confused and concerned about this. I did some tests to confirm what I think about this purposed change. I got a Gunner, an Ezikel and a Mammoth Railgun and did some tests to see the firepower of each on the current build on IA right now. I fired directly at the front of an Ezikel to determine how long it takes to kill it. All shots were aimmed at the same spot (Front windshield). Here's what I found. Currently (All units are un-upgraded): Gunner will kill an Ezikel in 11.22 Seconds by firing at an Ezikel (Reload time included) A Mammoth Tank Railgun will kill an Ezikel in 15.3 seconds. (Reload time included) Increasing the damage per shot from 197 to 249 is a purposed 26.4% increase to the current damage. If the damage was a 100% increase, it would in theory mean it kills a unit twice as fast. So i'm going use this theory to apply for the time. 26.4% (Increased damage)/half = 13.2% . (I'm dividing in half to calculate the time. If it was 100% of an increase in damage it would mean the unit would kill 50% faster. Twice the damage = half the time.) So 13.2% of 11.22 seconds = 1.48 seconds (Rounded from 1.48104) So 11.22 - 1.48 means that with the new changes gunner will kill an Ezikel in 9.74 seconds un-upgraded. With upgrades... 197 (What was tested) to an upgraded 396 damage is a purposed 101% increase to the tested damage (197). So. 101%/half = 50.5%. So 50.5% of 11.22 seconds = 5.65 (Rounded from 5.656) So 11.22 - 5.65 = 5.67 Seconds. This means that with the new changes gunner would kill an Ezikel in 5.67 seconds upgraded. (Side Note: The time would actually be faster/shorter than calculated since Gunner would have 9 rockets instead of 6 upgraded. I would need to test this out to see if he could kill an Ezikel in 1 Salvo with the changes or is forced to reload.) Again for comparison a Mammoth Railgun kills an Ezikel in 15.3 seconds. I welcome anyone to correct or fix my math if it's wrong, messing with the time and percentage calculations is again difficult but I believe this is correct what i'm assuming if not giving an idea of the changes. The reason I put all of this is to show that Gunner's damage is fine where it is. I think he should be crushed because he can just run next to ezikels at the moment and they can't do anything about it. Making him crushed mean ezikels have a chance and he's still OP slightly but not a huge ammount. As in he's fun to use. The math above does not take into account hitting the side armor weakspots or hitting from rear which i believe would kill an ezikel faster. Gunner I don't believe needs to be buffed to fight back against anything since he can already take on everything (And really well if I may add).
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