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Showing most liked content on 10/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Time to change the forum avatar theme again! October's Avatar Theme is "Halloween and similar holidays"! It's that time again! October's avatar theme is Halloween / All Hallows' Eve / All Saints' Eve / Dia de los Muertos / Any other related holiday in honor and commemoration of our dead!.....or just pumpkins and scary things if you like : These holidays are similar in origin but are celebrated quite differently in different places. And if you want, you may also tell us a little about how the celebration takes place in your country or region. Have fun and remember that .gifs work too!
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  2. I've been using chaos1212 since I was like 11 or 12. I then later stylized it as ChAoS. Basically I liked Sonic the Hedgehog on geneses so I took it from that. One kid at school started calling caseychaos when he found out my handle, at the time I didn't like it but now I don't care so I use that as well occasionally. I've thought about changing it to something more original over the years but I'm not very good at coming up with anything else.
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  3. it's a secret and if I told you Cthulhu would Omnomnom your sooouuuullll!
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  4. My story is kind of weird. Around the time I first got into online gaming I was in highschool and had a math teacher I really liked called Mr. Vanostrand. Anyway, I was signing up with WOL to play Renegade and needed a nickname.... first thing that popped into my head was my math teachers name and since my imagination was poor at the time I decided to call myself Vanstrand. This evolved into Nozstrand (No idea why), which later turned into Nozzy because it was easier to type. The nick stuck and has stayed with me for the majority of my life. That is how a Nozzy is born, thanks random Algebra teacher I won't ever see again.
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  5. Damn ear-raping. Headphones, software-testing. You should ask the age in your survey. Who can hear it depends more on the age than the job. It is known that older people lose the ability to hear these kind of sounds.
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  6. I have permission from Einstein to revive this thread. I declare this thread revived. So anyways I made this username for here and I used it for almost everything since then. It is a pun off of my real name Isaac S. Maddox (I am not telling you my middle name) and my usual play style (which is act crazy ,don't judge it works quite well sometimes).
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