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Showing most liked content on 03/02/2017 in Posts

  1. Made an interesting discovery, it seems that the game was written against STLPort rather than the standard c++ library that comes with MSVC and we think we've identified the version they used so with a bit of massaging to get it compiling, we have an ABI compatible C++ library implementation making it much easier to implement and test functions one at a time, even those that rely on STL containers which we didn't think we could touch until later.
  2. I'll second what Jack said about being excited to bring in more people to play these games. From watching APB grow from it's origins back in the days of RenAlert to where it's at today as well as TSR and AR - I'd say everyone involved in taking things to where they are today is doing/has done a kick ass job and all deserve a round of applause. Getting more players has always seemed to be this community's achilles' heel. I know it's a work in progress, but when the time is right to really hit it let me know and I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can.
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  3. Update time! In the last couple days, I've added a couple things and taken care of some bug squashing that accompanied the new stuff (and some old ones too). I won't go into all the details because its mostly boring stuff, but for all you programmers that might be reading, I finally got around to organizing the code a bit. I busted my main .vb file out into the main + 4 modules, each with a specific purpose. This greatly increased my ability to think while working on this thing, and also helped me find things faster (duh!). I wish I had started off doing that. Now I know better! So as far as new stuff visually, there isn't much. I introduced a "games list" to cater more to anyone wanting to just quickly select and launch a single player game, so there is a new dropdown selector for that, as well as some buttons for adding/editing/deleting games, and a new window for that as well. Other than that, nothing has changed visually. The only bugs that I am aware of are on the "add profile" and "add game" windows. There is no input validation (yet)! If you find something else that seems to be amiss, please let me know! If you used the previous version, you'll need to follow this process to "import" your saved profiles: Add all the games you had before. Select a profile from the list and hit "edit". Select the game that you wish to be associated with that profile. Save! Repeat for all your previous profiles. Download here: [Old version removed] Enjoy! EDIT: If you downloaded this before, get it again. I messed up and left debug code enabled that prevented launching anything at all!
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  4. We must consult the Magic 8-Ball, Willy my man.
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