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Showing most liked content on 01/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, I have this Installation Failed problem whenever W3D Launcher has finished downloading the files and then installation always fails when installing "msvc-2013.zip". It won't go anywhere beyond that point. *Here's what I've tried to fix the problem but to no avail: - I have cleared the APB cache, deleting everything in "C:\ProgramData\W3D Hub\Launcher\package-cache\games\apb" - Re-downloading all Red Alert APB files through the launcher, no download problems. - Download finished smoothly but installation fails every time when installing the "msvc-2013.zip" - I've repeated the steps above for 4 (four) times and still stuck on failing to install the "msvc-2013.zip" Hope anyone knows a workaround for this problem. Kindly thank you for your time and attention lads, best regards
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  2. If you don't see Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) or (x64) in your Programs & Features list, you can try installing these packages separately: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 Once you install them, try installing APB again. The installer might then skip msvc-2013.zip altogether. Other than that, your log shows Exit Code 5 at the end, which means "Access denied". Have you run the launcher as an administrator and then tried installing?
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  3. It would appear that someone did their homework before posting the question. Kudos to you sir Maybe we can get this worked out for you!
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  4. Ah I see, thanks for the quick and informative feedback I'll look on my Visual C thingie on my PC. See if there's corrupted installation and maybe getting a latest updated version of it or sort could fix it. As for the errors.txt this is what I've found from: C:\Users\[My Username]\Documents\W3D Hub\Launcher *(posted with this reply) errors.log
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  5. I'm not sure why the APB team are still using msvc 2013 in the first place, I thought it wasn't needed anymore... Might need to check up on that. In the meantime, the error you're seeing is that Microsoft's visual c runtime (msvc) isn't installing correctly - we just run the installer that Microsoft provide so I'm not sure why that would fail. Can you send me the errors.txt file from my documents/w3d hub/launcher so we can see what the Microsoft installer reported as an error (if anything)
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