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Showing most liked content on 05/13/2018 in Posts

  1. Hi guys and girls. I didn't know where to stick this so If you need to move it then do so. As I reside over at Rencorner.com and use Remote Desktop to connect to server boxes I found out that if your PC updates to the latest Microsoft updated version, you will get an error message like this example and not be able to connect to the server box. I found this out myself as this happened to me. Further information about this is here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4093492 https://www.computerworld.com/article/3271849/microsoft-windows/patch-tuesday-problems-fixes-but-no-cause-for-immediate-alarm.html http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4103718 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/4099633 Just thought I'd give you guys/girls a head's up if you didn't already know. I fixed my issue by uninstalling the latest Windows update (9th May) and rebooted my PC, and now I have access to the server box. @Strike I now can get on your box again lol. Anyways I hope this helps and also keep an eye on the Microsoft updates. Cheerz ice187dna o/
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  2. For past couple of days Atari becomes even more annoying than he usually is - however at this points its straight teamhamerping. Various examples (that can be confirmed by other players): - Pushing other players vehicles (which sometimes makes mine laying a bit more problematic than it usually is) - Straight up doing nothing or just casually jumping around, even when right in front of attackers assaulting the base - (already known for everyone) Continious shittalk whenever he dies - In big TL;DR acting like an asshole. Yesterday the only thing he was doing for longer period of time was running after me and shooting me in the head, while i tried defending the base. I'd be fine with that, if he wasnt in my team. Sadly he was. Every time i died he teabagged my corpse. His presence usually ends up wasting a good player spot, because anyone else would be more useful than him - and that results in the games lost because of lack of playing players.
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  3. Great timing For the past couple days I've gotten another error trying to connect to the APB server box. Einstein believes this to be a CredSSP issue so I guess it's the same deal. Cheers for the heads up!
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