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Showing most liked content on 06/21/2019 in Posts

  1. Unit reporting. This update brings more improved textures and a look at Nod's new Laser! Texture Improvements TSR 2.0 will not only play nicer, but look nicer! High Command wants you to compare these pairs of images and their texture differences, so please take a look. Tick Tank (Current) vs. Tick Tank (2.0) Attack Cycle (Current) vs. Attack Cycle (2.0) Wolverine (Current) vs. Wolverine (2.0) And this is just a sample of things to come! In the end product, a lot of our weapons and units will be much more better to look at! Some may argue this doesn't do much overall, though subtle improvements such as these make all the difference in giving you the best Tiberian Sun: Reborn yet. New Nod Laser Tired of having to replace the lasers and repair the base after each GDI attack, a lone Nod Engineer was drawing up a concept for improvements to better fend off the enemy. Below is what he came up with: The engineer has not been heard from since. Sources indicate he was killed in the same tunnel collapse that took Oxanna's life. Rest in peace. However, his input did bring to light the need for improvement. The old laser had a couple of issues that have been overlooked for quite some time. Namely, its hitbox was the size of an infantry unit making it difficult for GDI units to assault it. Combine that with the fact that GDI weapons are prone to jiggle and it becomes that much harder to hit. Another issue was the fact that GDI units can repair their Component Towers safely behind cover, whereas Nod units must expose themselves to enemy fire to get to their Laser defenses. Thus! A new design has been rolled out to Nod bases worldwide. While GDI units will be able to more easily hit the Laser, Nod units should now be able to repair their base defenses in relative safety, thereby prolonging the Turret's life during assaults. Units on repair duty should be mindful of the splash damage though! Thank you for checking in again. More TSR news to come! Tune in next Thursday! [blurb]Unit reporting. This update brings more improved textures and a look at Nod's new Laser![/blurb]
  2. Greetings, in this way i want to announce upcoming campaign I am working on. I called it [Tiberium Resurrection] - it tells story after Nod mission Sheep's clothing (where Nod undercover as GDI mass-murdered mutants and captured Tratos), so the relationship between GDI and Mutants is really bad. It will contain 3 missions for now (maybe i will add more later), few multiplayer / skirmish maps and some changes to environment (New tiberium type, paved cliffs - thanks to Holland.) It is not complete yet, however now I can tell that map will not be very big but there will be many triggers, and so i recommend you actually checking every black tile for text speech, bonus money or maybe something else . I will update this topic so you can see my progress and maybe some screenshots soon. I want to release first mission in november. Also, if you have any suggestions / requests / wishes / feedback, etc. just reply. Thats all for now, have a good day. CAMPAIGN MAPS the Prologue Map progress: 100% Trigger(s) progress: 100% Propaganda Forecast Map progress: 100% Trigger(s) progress: 100% City Cleansing Map progress: 35% Trigger(s) progress: 15% the Final Battle Map progress: Trigger(s) progress: SKIRMISH MAPS Fields of Insurgency (2-4 players) Map progress: 100% Islands of Destruction (2 players) Map progress: 100% Tiber River (2-5 players) Map progress: 90% LAUNCH TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9j5Cz6IZOQ OFFICIAL POST: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9186-wip-tiberium-resurrection/ OFFICIAL DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwRerrV DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8zyy6ewoayh1wrv/Tiberium_Resurrection_5.0.zip/file MODDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberium-resurrection Do not forget to report bugs and share your opinions about this project!
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  3. Cleaned out a closet at the family home and found a copy of the books that I didn't know I had, oddly enough, so might actually read them in the near future.
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  4. I'm really liking these texture updates. Nice work, team! I can't wait for the next update.
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  5. New FinalSun mapping tutorial is out! If you want to learn, how to make custom maps for Tiberian Sun or just revise some of your knowledge, be sure to check FinalSun Complete Tutorial - https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9934-finalsun-complete-tutorial/
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