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Everything posted by Shnappz

  1. Yeah i can add textures to models, i even learned to alpha blend I didn't realise you added the textures in 3DS max though... So the steps would be: 1. Create model 2. Unwrap Model 3. Create textures in 2d art software 4. Load textures into W3D Material edtior 5. Add textures to unwrapped UV maps? Is this right? Thanks mate!
  2. That would be nice...The original renegade just seemed to completely miss the mark on the "feel" of TD... don't get me wrong, i enjoyed playing it. I just think it didn't feel like TD at all.
  3. Hey Guys, I watched OWA's tutorial on unwrapping and it was very helpful. What it doesn't explain is what happens after you've created your unwrapped your model and created your UVW map. I assume it gets exported as a .TGA or .DDS and you can then texture it in Paint.NET or GIMP, is that correct? How then, do you apply this texture to the model you've created. Does the W3d Engine do this? I see a lot of unwrapped models with the texures applied in always.dat so i would think the engine does apply them... I guess what i'm asking is how do you "link" your model in 3ds max to the texture file that's associated with it? Thanks!
  4. I never really rated TS... not sure why, i just couldn't get into it. Nice words though enjoyed reading it.
  5. That's interested to know... i didn't know you could move them... although it does seem a bit redundant if they snap back to their original location when you reload LE.... I
  6. That's not what i'm saying.. i'm saying that i play it even now and happily overlook how dated the graphics look. Just like with APB and TSR. I actually prefer playing dated games than newer FPS games like COD, Battlefield, FarCry etc...
  7. Yeah, i've worked it out now. I've proxied it with a box primative and it loads it automatically in LE now! Thank you!
  8. Those models are sweet... Just out of curisoity, what were these models for? Were you yourself building a TD conversion?
  9. "huge audience that are more interested in gameplay than graphics" I keep hearing this oversimplification of video game development and I rarely if ever see any proof provided. It's been a constant thread in gaming society for many years. "Gameplay > graphics" It's not a zero-sum game. You can have great graphics and great gameplay. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a perfect example of this. When you can have both gameplay and graphics, why settle for less? This is possible even in modding communities like this one. You find talent and groom it to create competitive art that can stand up against other mods and other games. There's no excuse for not having gameplay and graphics anymore. Sorry mate? When did i say gameplay was more important? Someone's gone off on a tangent and not really read my post 8-). I said there is a huge audience who are MORE INTERESTED in game play... evidenced by the people that play APB and TSR and the thousands of retro gaming communities. I even play my mega drive more than i play my X-Box. You've seriously missed the point.
  10. I think i'm getting close now. I can now add it as a tile and it IS the right size (that was my just being stupid before) but whenever i add it as Terrain, it appears in my "instances" and when i click to view it, it's there, BUT it's in the bluehell somewhere... I think it's to do with the map hierarchy I dont think i'm actually adding it to the terrain mesh. Thanks as always Chopbam, and i guess you're right i could always export it with the int and ext, it just feels like it would be tidier if i did it with proxies.
  11. Hey Chopbam, yes i created the interior by creating a cube inside my structure and them flipped it and cut out some faces for a door way. I see so rather than the tile menu, i should be looking at the terrain meny?
  12. No it comes up with the actual model, fully textured, it's just real tony :0!
  13. Hello Moonsense, This helps a lot. I do have a couple of questions though: in the APB Level edit Gamma, it appears that the only interior sutff that's added by level edit is some detail models like boxes and barrels and stuff. There is no proxy for the actual internal structure. could it be that they started doing it this way after they released the APB Gamma level edit? Or am i looking in the wrong place (Level Edit - Building Tiles > Bulding_whatever)? I actually did try this, added it as a primiative with the name "whatver_01#". I then added the building tile for my building and pointed at the W3D for my interior. It appeared on Level Edit as a tiny little thing in the middle of my building, rather than the size it should've been. I checked and it is the correct size in 3ds/Ren X. Could it be that i'm exporting the interior as "Terrain" is this where i'm going wrong? Really appreciate your help!
  14. Hey Everyone, Just wondering what was the *best* way of doing the internals of buildings. I've seen some mention of "proxies" and i'm not 100% sure how it works. I've dissected the APB building files and from what i can tell, the internal structure of the building is held in a seperate W3D file Mbar_int or whatever. What i want to know is, is this merged with the building exterior at the map making part or is it added as a proxy on LevelEdit? Or am i very confused
  15. Nice one Dan, error log attached! errors.log
  16. The W3D launcher crashes and then when the game opens it says version mismatch. Anyone know why?
  17. Bfranx I actually can't wait for this.
  18. As everyone has probably realised by now, I ask a lot of n00by questions. So here's my next one. I saw on the TSR reborn thread, OWA mention he's using higher polys in AR and it's running Ok. I'm just trying to get my head round at what stage of development you decide to use high/low poly models. I'm modelling a tank at the moment and I'm just making it look like a 3d tank, then I'm gonna texture it... How do I know if I'm using too many polys for W3D, I assume when I port it into the game the FPS will just slow? I know this is basic stuff, so apologies for being a n00b!
  19. Wolf, I get your point about attracting new players, but there is a huge audience who are more interested in gameplay than graphics and are happy to forgive gfx if it's fun to play. I played trough the whole of deus ex 1 the other week and those graphics are awful in comparison to today's standards, but that game is truly a masterpiece. Look at how many people play RA1 still on cncnet, I know RTS games are different, in that gfx aren't as important but still, 300+ people online. A game that's almost 20 years old. I've just started learning W3D and for whatever weird reason, I love it and i wouldn't swap to UDK now even if it is easier.
  20. I'm really sorry to break the chain but this was brilliant. I laughed out loud... variables & comments in arabic!!!
  21. Hey has BPH gone down? i can't seem to access it. EDIT: I see you're upgraing!
  22. Granted, but the server housing constantly smells like rotting fish. I wish i was as good at modding W3D as the staff here & at BHP
  23. These are amazing... Picture 2 looks almost photo-realistic... textures & models are incredible
  24. Hey bfranx are you still up and running? I'm really looking forward to seeing this...
  25. Hey, Nice work on the renegade 2010 pics... looks REALLY nice mate!
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