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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. Role blocks never give messages to their target. Honestly I shouldn't have given messages confirming kills at all, that was my personal screw up. As for your first part: The Roleblocker can indeed not kill and block the same night (in this game). But the roleblocker has friends who can do it. If KY was killed, then yes the Allies would have needed to choose either the Roleblock or the Rolecop. Hence why KY was actually quite powerful.
  2. GAME OVER As the the remaining Soviets attempt to find the Allies, you notice that three players are missing from the base. in your vain attempt to find them, they find you... driving a Ranger. Driven by Chaos_Knight, gun manned by Nodlied, and Killing_You in the passenger seat holding a Rifle, they begin a spray-down of the Soviets who have conveniently gathered into one place, and they fall... Alstar the Soviet Rifleman (Townie) has been riddled with bullets! Chopbam the Soviet NKVD Spy (Cop) has been riddled with bullets! Voe the Chinese Spy (Serial Killer) has been riddled with bullets! As the dust settles, the victorious ALLIED players exit the Ranger. Killing You takes out his smokes, and gives one to each of his comrades. They laugh and cheer at the fact that they managed to down all the Soviets (and a Chinese Spy) with no casualties. Nodlied gets an order to deploy his MRJ as an outpost for future operations in the theater, and does so. The three however have earned a long leave for a great success. Each also has a medal awaiting at their home for their bravery and excellence. They each climb into Chaos_Knight's Ranger, and ride off to the west... Killing You the Allied Rifle Infantry (Mafia Goom) is Victorious! Chaos_Knight the Allied Ranger (Mafia Role Cop) is Victorious! Nodlied the Allied Mobile Radar Jammer (Mafia Roleblocker) is Victorious! AWARDS Wouldn't be an APB mafia without some awards, would it? The MEDAL OF VICTORIA goes to Nodlied, Killing You, and Chaos_Knight for a perfect victory! The HONORARY ALLIED MEDAL goes to Voe for significantly helping out the Allies in their win! The PURPLE HEART goes to FRAYDO, who successfully picked out one of the Scum, but was then lynched for their trouble! ANALYSIS VERTi60 vastly underestimated his role. He did a decent attempt at providing information on D1 regardless, but the Allies did not fall for his bait. The intention of the Hider was as a weaker Cop who could town-confirm players, and was also immune to Nightkills. He did not need to hide however, and any action that affected the player he hid behind would affect him. This included Cop Checks. Killing You had a few slip ups in D1, and played very aggressively most of the game. But his "new" status allowed him to hide under the Radar of most of the Town, and he listened diligently to his Allies in the Doc. His role, while it doesn't have a power of its own, was actually the most useful of all the roles due to the fact that he could Night Kill without sacrificing a power ability. The rest of his team would have had to sacrifice a single action at night if they made the kill, unless there was only 1 allied player remaining. Nodlied was absent for most of D2. He also made a massive slip up in assuming a Roleblock would give a message to the target, which could have been a scum cue. However, his decisive actions N2 and N3 decided this game. Chaos_Knight played a risky move. However, it worked. He wasn't suspected of being scum until very late in the game. By then, it was all too late. Chopbam made a mistake in not claiming Cop D2. This action could have saved the Soviets pointless arguing most of the day. While his fear was justified with the Doctor gone, it did help push the game into the Allies' favor. Mojoman made a massive mistake soft claiming Doctor. He was an easy target for allies and SK. Voe helped the Allies by getting rid of Mojoman. He also pushed for a Jeod lynch, which gave the Allies a successful scapegoat to use. Hence his awarding of the Honorary Allied Medal. His power of ignoring investigations did not get used much this game however. FRAYDO was absent for most of D2, which proved to be his downfall at the precious last 4 hours. However, he did pinpoint the scum easily D2. He just needs to get better at presenting his arguments. Jeod... I'm honestly not sure what he was doing. His actions D1 pretty much made him the ideal target as a scapegoat for Allies, and the #2 kill choice for Voe (after Mojoman). Alstar was surprisingly contributive for a first-time player. I think he will be a good player for future mafia games. However, he was easily misled by the excellent Allies, which to be fair pretty much everyone was. Category 5 posted an analysis D1 that was used throughout D2... even though it was wrong. He didn't contribute to this game much however. And a bit of self analysis: The game seemed pretty balanced for the most part, however in hind-sight I should have declared a Backup Cop and a Backup Doctor, so it wasn't so swingy for the Scum. Chaos_Knight was a last minute addition since I managed to completely forget him in the running, but his addition ended up being a positive thing (though I probably should have given him a different role, his Role Cop didn't end up doing much since his first target was killed N1). For future games: Investigation Immunity will be removed entirely. The Serial Killer's option for Investigation Immunity will be replaced by an option for an Ascetic Modifier, and the Godfather will be removed. To replace this, the Grenadier will be reworked into a Miller with a 1-shot Day Vig ability. An additional power role will likely be given to Town in future games like this. I'll avoid posting more possibly meta post, and just outright edit the initial post if needed. And hope you all find it of course. This way there isn't a timestamp you can conveniently use for your arguments. During draws involving Serial Killers, a Lynch may be replaced with a Duel ability, which will have RNG involved in case of tie votes. This way we don't have an inevitable ending like we did D3. Overall, I think this game was successful, and I hope to see you all in VERTi60's next game. Whenever that would be. FINAL DEATH POOL VERTi60 (Hider) Category 5 Hurricane (Townie) Mojoman (Doctor) FRAYDO (Townie) Jeod (Townie) Alstar (Townie) Chopbam (Cop) Voe(Serial Killer) Document Links Allied Document Serial Killer Document Dead Document
  3. DAY 3 After everyone gathers for role call, you notice someone is missing. After a quick search, you discover who is missing: JEOD the SOVIET RIFLE INFANTRY (Townie) will no longer enjoy the cool but hard taste of Vodka!The situation looks dire Comrades. We must stick together in this horrible situation! Day Guidelines During the DAY PHASE (24-48 hour duration), everyone posts and tries to build cases against each other. While the Soviets are arguing to try and find the Allies, the Allies are trying to throw everyone off their trail. The goal of the Day Phase is to find somebody for a Lynch. People will vote for one person they want to be lynched and the person with the most votes will die at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format: ##Vote PlayerName If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who. If a majority vote of 50%+1 is cast on one person, then they will be lynched right then and there, no need to wait for the end of the phase. When someone is lynched, everyone will find out their role and who they were aligned with. Additional Rules: No quoting mod communication or other out of thread communication. No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the mod. No content-posts after death unless allowed by the mod. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered. Don't try to break the game. No silliness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example. "Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it. Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points without permission from your scummates. No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and no one should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't. Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example. Don't abuse the Board's Voting system - don't like a player's posts unless you are allowed from the mod. Don't edit your posts in the game thread. Dead Players Comrade Vodka Breadinski (Example Corpse) VERTi60 (Hider) Category 5 Hurricane (Townie) Mojoman (Doctor) FRAYDO (Townie) JEOD (Townie) CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 23 hours, 50 min, 0 sec CVC: Chaos_Knight voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody Alstar voted nobody Killing You voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Voe voted nobody 0/6 votes casted so far No votes casted so far Announcement: D3 shall be shorter (24 hours) due to low player count
  4. D2 Lynch Result After an eventful day, you have decided FRAYDO shall be judged today. With Chopbam the person who made the last vote, he leads the rest of the base into a firing squad. You notice your bullets are low however, so you decide instead to bludgeon him to death with your AK-47s. FRAYDO the SOVIET RIFLE SOLDIER (Townie) has been beaten to death!Another loyal Soviet killed comrades? We haven't even found a single Allied Soldier yet! After a quick vote, you decide to cut the Vodka rations, and go to bed for the night. Night 2 As night falls, the base prepares to go to sleep. During the night, certain roles have actions that can be done. The Allies are also probably planning a nightkill tonight, so be on your guard! Forum Posting during the Night Phase is limited - 2 posts per player max. Players who won't comply will either receive a gimmick or a force vote on themselves. Dead Players Comrade Vodka Breadinski (Example Corpse) VERTi60 (Hider) Category 5 Hurricane (Townie) Mojoman (Doctor) FRAYDO (Townie) CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 MINUTES REMAINING CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted for Voe FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted for ChopBam Jeod voted for FRAYDO Killing You voted for FRAYDO Nodlied voted for Nobody Voe voted for ChopBam 7/8 votes casted so far FRAYDO has the majority for a lynch TIME REMAINING FOR NIGHT 2 23 HOURS 50 MINUTES
  5. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 4 MINUTES REMAINING CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted for Voe FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted for ChopBam Jeod voted for FRAYDO Killing You voted for FRAYDO Nodlied voted for Nobody Voe voted for ChopBam 7/8 votes casted so far FRAYDO has the majority for a lynch
  6. Just a note: Tie Votes resolve as no-lynch, as stated the first day. RNGesus has no place here (it would probably vote FRAYDO anyway knowing his luck. ).
  7. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 10 MINUTES REMAINING CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted for FRAYDO FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted for ChopBam Jeod voted for FRAYDO Killing You voted for FRAYDO Nodlied voted for Nobody Voe voted for ChopBam 7/8 votes casted so far FRAYDO has the majority for a lynch
  8. As stated in the initial rules: Cops cannot (nor have any reason to) check themselves. Not confirming or denying anything, just noting your statement violates the rules of the game.
  9. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 0 hour, 17 min CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted for FRAYDO FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted for ChopBam Jeod voted for Voe Killing You voted for FRAYDO Nodlied voted for Nobody Voe voted for ChopBam 7/8 votes casted so far FRAYDO has the majority for a lynch
  10. To answer your question Alstar, draws are resolved like this: If there is a Third Party and more than 2 players in the game, then the game continues. If there is a Third Party and the only other player remaining is Mafia, the game ends on a draw. If there is a Third Party and the only other player is a Town-aligned player, Third Party wins. If there is no Third Party but there is a single mafia faction, Mafia wins. If there are two Mafia factions in equal numbers, the game ends on a draw. If there are two Mafia factions with one having higher numbers than the other, the Mafia faction with the higher number of players wins. If the only scum remaining cannot kill, then the game ends on a draw.
  11. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 4 hour, 31 min CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted for FRAYDO FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted for ChopBam Jeod voted for Killing You Killing You voted for FRAYDO Nodlied voted nobody Voe voted for ChopBam 7/8 votes casted so far FRAYDO has the majority for a lynch
  12. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 6 hour, 15 min CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted nobody FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted for ChopBam Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Voe voted for ChopBam 4/8 votes casted so far ChopBam has the majority for a lynch
  13. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 18 hour, 42 min CVC: Chaos_Knight voted for FRAYDO ChopBam voted nobody FRAYDO voted for Chaos_Knight Alstar voted nobody Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Voe voted for Jeod 3/8 votes casted so far Jeod, FRAYDO, and Chaos_Knight are tied for a lynch
  14. I'm not going to allow attachments. There are outside systems I can't control/moderate/supervise with them, which would lead dangerously close to breaking the game. I'm going to ask you post it using the article tags ( ) or something similar
  15. Technically they got them in Multiplayer. If you want to be a true Singleplayer experience, give the Soviets the APC, the Allies the Chinook, and the Soviets the Phase Transport (Yes it is now a hidden Volkov transport! Think Soviet Rangers were bad?) along with doing that. Or alternatively, for the truest Multiplayer experience, give the Soviets Tanya instead of Volkov. Screw faction diversity.
  16. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 1 day(s) , 23 hour, 5 min CVC: Chaos_Knight voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody FRAYDO voted nobody Alstar voted nobody Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Voe voted for Jeod 1/8 votes casted so far Jeod has the majority for a lynch
  17. DAY 2 You wake up today to see a nice day on RA_RiverRaid. It appears the server decided to change the map overnight, but the Allied Base across the river is missing its players. Come to think of it, you are missing a few players too. After an investigation, you find two bodies today: CATEGORY 5 HURRICANE (Townie) HAS BEEN FOUND DEAD! MOJOMAN (Doctor) HAS BEEN DESTROYED! These two deaths MUST be avenged Comrades! Find the parties responsible for these tragic deaths today Comrades! Role Reference Sheet Day Guidelines During the DAY PHASE (24-48 hour duration), everyone posts and tries to build cases against each other. While the Soviets are arguing to try and find the Allies, the Allies are trying to throw everyone off their trail. The goal of the Day Phase is to find somebody for a Lynch. People will vote for one person they want to be lynched and the person with the most votes will die at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format: ##Vote PlayerName If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who. If a majority vote of 50%+1 is cast on one person, then they will be lynched right then and there, no need to wait for the end of the phase. When someone is lynched, everyone will find out their role and who they were aligned with. Additional Rules: No quoting mod communication or other out of thread communication. No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the mod. No content-posts after death unless allowed by the mod. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered. Don't try to break the game. No silliness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example. "Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it. Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points without permission from your scummates. No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and no one should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't. Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example. Don't abuse the Board's Voting system - don't like a player's posts unless you are allowed from the mod. Don't edit your posts in the game thread. Dead Players Comrade Vodka Breadinski (Example Corpse) VERTi60 (Hider) Category 5 Hurricane (Townie) Mojoman (Doctor) CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 1 day(s) , 23 hours, 57 min, 0 sec CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Chaos_Knight voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody FRAYDO voted nobody VERTi60 voted nobody Alstar voted nobody Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted nobody Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Voe voted nobody 0/8 votes casted so far No votes casted so far Announcement: MYLO IS IN EFFECT. A mislynch today could result in a scum win tomorrow!
  18. (He got the last vote off. It's pure flavor. I missed Category 5's vote since it ninja'ed my hammer, so I'll amend that)
  19. D1 Lynch Result Before retiring to your bunks, tonight you have decided VERTi60 will be judged tonight. With Category 5 Hurricane leading the charge, you grab your rifles, take aim at the panicked man who we have agreed to kill, and fire your weapons. VERTi60 the SOVIET TECHNICIAN (Hider) has been found guilty of being mortal! Wait, why did we just kill the person who maintains our buildings? Was no-one paying attention? This MUST be the work of those Allied Dogs! Or maybe we just drink too much... Night 1 As night falls, the base prepares to go to sleep. During the night, certain roles have actions that can be done. The Allies are also probably planning a nightkill tonight, so be on your guard! Forum Posting during the Night Phase is limited - 2 posts per player max. Players who won't comply will either receive a gimmick or a force vote on themselves. Dead Players Comrade Vodka Breadinski (Example Corpse) VERTi60 (Hider) CVC - Cumulative Vote Count CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted for VERTi60 Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman ChopBam voted for No Lynch FRAYDO voted nobody VERTi60 voted for Killing You Alstar voted nobody Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted for VERTi60 Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted Voe Voe voted for VERTi60 7/11 votes casted so far VERTi60 has the majority for a lynch TIME REMAINING FOR NIGHT 1 23 Hour(s) 50 Minute(s)
  20. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 0 hour, 8 min CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman ChopBam voted for No Lynch FRAYDO voted nobody VERTi60 voted for Killing You Alstar voted nobody Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted for VERTi60 Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted Voe Voe voted for VERTi60 6/11 votes casted so far VERTi60 has the majority for a lynch
  21. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 0 hour, 18 min CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman ChopBam voted for No Lynch FRAYDO voted nobody VERTi60 voted for Killing You Alstar voted for No Lynch Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted for VERTi60 Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted Voe Voe voted for VERTi60 7/11 votes casted so far Lynching VERTi60 and No Lynch are tied.
  22. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 0 hour, 28 min CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman ChopBam voted for No Lynch FRAYDO voted nobody VERTi60 voted for Killing You Alstar voted for No Lynch Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted for VERTi60 Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted Voe Voe voted for VERTi60 7/11 votes casted so far Lynching VERTi60 and No Lynch are tied.
  23. CVC - Cumulative Vote Count Time Left: 0 day(s) , 4 hour, 17 min CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Chaos_Knight voted nobody ChopBam voted for No Lynch FRAYDO voted nobody VERTi60 voted for Killing You Alstar voted for No Lynch Jeod voted nobody Killing You voted for VERTi60 Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted Voe Voe voted for Mojoman 6/11 votes casted so far Majority is for a No Lynch.
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