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Posts posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean it seemed to me to be more like an alignment test sort of implication.

    Bottom line is, I trust Shade to try a gambit that is unpredictable and leads to results that aren't what he claims will happen. So... I did not (and still don't) trust that he has any kind of alignment test.

  2. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Ok. Start talking about your mafia suspects then.

    Give me protection. Then I talk. I know you don't have an action to protect me, but I'm sure somebody does. Work to get me that night protection and I'm 100% on your side. Deal?

  3. Besides, if you want to go purely by my meta then I'm definitely not mafia. Why would I give up control of the vote and just sit back as mafia? But am I suddenly mafia because I wouldn't do that as mafia? Strictly applying my meta I am either neutral or TP.

    If you believe otherwise, then let's talk. At this point you're just pushing for a lynch you know doesn't help town.

  4. By all means, keep on focusing on the player who has acted in their own interests and been open about their role and alignment. Pay no attention to all the other players who contribute nothing and try to stay out of the spotlight.

  5. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Just claim neutral no matter what and then bitch and moan when people lynch you for "no reason". Win Mafia Championships with that strat.

    You're free to assume that everything follows a meta or set of strict rules. I'm not going to complain if you lynch me. I'm just giving you the straight truth of what will happen.

  6. 59 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I mean, if you want to get into meta/WIFOM arguments like that, why would I do that as mafia? There would be ample opportunities for me to blend in as town. However, that's bad for me as a neutral that needs to survive. If I pretend to be town and mafia believe it, that makes me an NK target.

    In other words, I have every reason to claim neutral if I really am neutral or if I'm TP pretending to be neutral. I would only claim town if I was town or mafia. I'm only on your list to lynch right now because I've chosen to act this way. This isn't a case of "subverting expectations". Claiming mafia and saying "lynch me!" as mafia would be totally against my meta and "subverting expectations". It'd also be completely idiotic.

    Context. Never said town wouldn't claim neutral.

  7. Let's say you had this split.

    Mafia: 2

    TP: 1

    Neutral: 2

    Town: 7


    That's 8 players that Mafia has to contend with (Town + TP) and 2 wildcards. 2 v 8 is pretty close to standard for the ratio against mafia. Factor in whatever balancing Jeod has, and I think these numbers would line up well.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Because she made a comment about the game being 2 v 2 v 2 v 6, and she was Third Party. 

    I can't find that anywhere in her activity. If anyone actually made that, it might have been Shade.

    2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    A lone TP doesn't usually forget to send an action in.

    I'd disagree. Lone players are the most prone to forget to send in actions. If you have a teammate you can at least plan things, discuss, and be reminded to do something.

  9. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    In addition to carrying on this conversation, I'm rereading the beginning of the game to try to determine who Louis's teammate might be. My willingness to lynch iLTS is somewhat dependent on that.

    How are you so certain Lois had a teammate?

  10. 1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Do tell.

    That requires guarantees of protection. Why would I ever help town if doing so puts me at high risk of a mafia kill when my goal is ONLY to survive?

    Take a step back from being all towny and try to imagine you're a neutral with no night BP ability who only has a goal to survive. How likely are you to help either major faction if your only goal is to survive? Yes, either side could try to threaten me and press gang me into helping them. But that's why I have my backup warhead.

  11. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    That's the point, when all we have is your word, your word has proven more worthless than Zimbabwean currency.

    Nobody's word is really worth anything in this game. At any time anyone can make any claim. If you have solid reasons to believe I'm mafia rather than any other alignment then go ahead and go after me. You're going to be disappointed and one step closer to losing.

  12. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I'm willing to take my chances on that. The only way you have a better idea than me on who is town and who is not, is if you are mafia. You might try to hurt town, but you may actually hurt anti-town instead.

    Or if I have accurate scum reads. Or if I have abilities that give me intel to act off of.

  13. 1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I think you are the one who needs the lesson. If you come here with MAD as your game, what do you think the results for you personally would be?

    In a game where I'm a neutral player who could just be left alone? Survival if everyone listens and is rational (one reason I went with the action/lynch immune day ability), retribution in death if they aren't.

  14. 11 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    If you really are neutral it's the boy who cried wolf. 

    I have made more claims to be town or TP (when I'm not) than neutral I believe. I do a lot of fake claims and gambits, but I do that as every alignment. Town, mafia, neutral, or TP.

  15. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I am more than willing to take any post-death punishment you might do.

    But would somebody else on your team be? I have a few good targets I hit if town lynched me, you may or may not be on that list.

  16. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Your threats are actually having the opposite effect on me. I see what you are doing as just holding a gun to our heads and making demands, and I don't like it when people pull that bullshit.

    Then start a lynch on me and learn your lesson about game theory/mutually assured destruction. I do have a gun, it is not enough to stop either town or mafia, but it's enough to seriously hurt one of them.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

    I'm reminded of Kaiju mafia where everyone started freaking out about the possibly of iLTS being scum on the last day.

    What did he do to you guys?

    Fool them on many gambits (and fool mafia on gambits as town). Now that I think of it, am I the only one who has won a game as a cult leader before?

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