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Posts posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. 1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I'm not talking about accusations from you. I expected you to believe my false claim and follow my allegation towards iLTS with a complaint in his direction. You didn't say a word.

    Why? If I had blocked her, how would she know it was me?

  2. 1 minute ago, Louis said:

    I'm assuming that when you say Cat5 lied is by saying you superblocked me?

    Correct. I didn't go anywhere last night because I performed no actions. If you're blocked, it's not because of me. So... Cat5 is making a gambit of some kind. Given the circumstances, I suspect that he is scum.

  3. Just now, Louis said:

    Yeah but didn't Retal have the Golden Ticket, he could have used that and then killed Irish, now I believe that Retal is scum

    Yeah, been wondering who the other scum is. I figure it's Cat5 since he's just lied.

  4. 47 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    I'm interested in this Retaliation scum thing. Can you elaborate a bit @iLikeToSnipe?

    That was going off what I thought Orange was talking about. I'm still on mobile, but I believe Retal said his action went through. "Conveniently", Irish is dead and maybe I missed something but shouldn't Irish's ability have blocked Retal?

    46 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Why did you "super roleblock" Louis, iLikeToSnipe?

    I didn't. I literally performed no actions last night. If you're going to say you tracked me, that's completely false and you're scum.

  5. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I don't follow, could you elaborate? (Did I suddenly get slow :? ) I'm not necessarily saying I don't believe you I'm just saying I don't get it.

    If I understand you correctly, you were suspecting that mafia did a super roleblock on Irish. Blocking him and anyone else who visited him. That can't be true if Retal is town, since he said he visited him. But if there is someone else who visited and was roleblocked (like Louis)... Then the implication is that did happen and Retal wasn't affected. QED Retal is scum.

  6. 18 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    So basically a super roleblock? (This is musing out loud for consensus on what to call this claim)

    That actually makes sense. Irish claims he roleblocks anyone who visits him. What if mafia had a one-time super roleblock as their counter to him? I guess only way to confirm is to see if anyone else was affected.

    Which just made me realize something... If there are others who were roleblocked, that probably makes Retal scum.

  7. 3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I'm only going to make a single point for the moment, but you yourself have admitted to having an active role, with many different options at your disposal.  That's the antithesis of neutral.  Granted, you claim you did this on purpose to subvert expectations as to what a neutral can be, and if that's true, well then, I do salute you, but I think we're just not receptive to it, because I don't buy it and I don't think anyone else does.  That's just not how neutrals operate, and you claiming to behave this way could simply be "a likely story".  I mean, it's basically your Loki gambit (I know I've said that about a lot of things recently), and I got burned by that.  Fool me once, as they say...

    Yeah, guess I can't really do much to persuade anyone right now except die, flip, and use my "nuclear" deterrence on somebody (one of the very first flavors I thought of for this was "player-led HoI4 Switzerland"). That being said, I still want to survive to the end and win.

    Somebody track me, investigate me, whatever. But I'm not going to reveal more about my role unless I feel I the need to (Shade demanding it is not a need). If anyone has any delusions of starting a lynch on me D3 or any other day, go ahead and try me. I'll still mess with whoever is responsible for my demise. Should anyone try to kill me and fail, I will still lash out at who I believe is responsible.

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