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Posts posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. 3 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    I feltl like there was a second comment he made where he expanded upon this meaning he knew no one visited him, but my attempts to find it haven't gone over very well...

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't see it in his profile activity.

  2. That sounds incredibly unrealistic. I'd actually buy it happening just once, I think it could happen at least once during the game. But three is actually impossible given what we know right now. Everyone in the game would have to work together to get the three wishes granted. But each wish is only going to help one alignment. Town and mafia shouldn't want either to have a wish, so nobody is gonna work together on this.

  3. 2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean, it does seem hard to accomplish, though to be fair, the fewer players in the game (and fewer players as time goes on, this occurs naturally) the easier it will be for any one person to acquire all 3 dragonballs, and thus make a wish... but still, unless multiple wishes can be made a turn (that can't happen, right?) it would require 3 turns of the balls being together and a wish being made... that's asking a lot... unless this is the opposite of most of our games and we're hyper-un-lethal...

    Hyper-un-lethal may be a possibility. One that I'm quite happy with. There could also be multiple item stealers, but that can also make his goal less likely to be achieved as they keep stealing from each other...

  4. 21 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

    What more do you want to know? My nightkill immunity, perhaps? There's also the fact that I didn't have a goal in mind when designing this role (essentially a background element that could be useful to everyone, thus adding an interesting "side-goal" for people), but Jeod decided to give me the three wish goal.

    I can accept that there's just a neutral player to affect the game and not try to "officially win". It's just a bit odd to me, so I take your claim with a grain of salt when you then throw in a win condition that's unrealistic in the context of your role details you've given us.

    Anyways, I probably shouldn't be doing a sizeable chunk of investigating for town. Union rules and all that.

  5. Just now, Killing_You said:

    I have to grant three wishes. Doesn't matter to who, as long as they get granted. Now, quit bugging the neutrals.

    What else aren't you telling us? Cause that seems just a little improbable of a goal... That's a lot of wishes to grant with even three dragon balls out there.

  6. 1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

    How would Town gather up three seperate items and bring them together in order to use them?

    It's definitely tricky... and honestly the more I think about it the less likely it seems. There's also the possibility KY isn't telling us everything about them.

  7. Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    The closest I am to believing this is that if there are two scum and two neutrals, the game would still last a good while in the worst-case scenario. I won't completely cross it out. Unless we get a third neutral claim...

    KY could also be lying. But I don't have any reason to disbelieve him either right now. Nor do I really care at the moment.

  8. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    See that's the thing... when I'm scum, I value, very much, "Getting out ahead of any issues and controlling the narrative" so that doesn't mesh with how I'd see things from possible perspectives you'd have.  Granted, you are not me, but I have trouble putting myself in your shoes.

    That's what I do too. But I try to do it subtly as scum (i.e. making cases I know aren't legit), I don't just do it out in the open like this. Yes, that could just be me still being anti-town and playing against expectations to make you think I'm not anti-town. It's an endless set of WIFOM arguments.

  9. 1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Every time a neutral tries to hold a gun to people's heads, they get killed. When nobody is on your side, you can't threaten a group.

    That's why I have stuff while I'm alive and from beyond the grave. No matter what alignment you are, I can always hurt you in some way. So go ahead and kill me so I don't win. I'll hurt you still and lower your chances of winning.

    Just now, Killing_You said:

    Someone remind me. When was it determined that iLikeToSnipe was the one who targeted Shade?

    Never. Because I didn't and Shade just has a hate boner for me right now.

  10. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    I still have PTSD from Loki so I can't tell to what degree, if any, ILTS is BSing us.

    Be thankful you don't have PTSD from necromorph Isaac :v

    The only argument I can make for this right now is meta. I do gambits and BS a lot as TP (and as mafia). But I'm at a disadvantage by revealing this today if I'm really TP. TP doesn't want attention and I'd have had plenty of cases to make to draw attention off of me.

  11. Just now, Retaliation said:

    I don't know how your abilities work, but I assume some kind of roleblocking effect? Shade's been on your case and if you're worried about his ability he'd be a good candidate to stop. It would explain why Shade seems like he's confused about his results.

    Technically I could be a roleblocker with one such ability. But it would be a lot more permanent.

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