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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. @Nodlied Didn't you claim something hot you during D2 yet no action was publicly seen?
  2. I can actually confirm that role blocks stop passing of at least some items.
  3. Oh wow. Yeah, ChopBam forgetting or not forgetting to mention the 1-UP is irrelevant. The damning evidence is that he has it at all. Looking at it logically, I think either Nodlied is lying about blocking Vertigo and is scum, or ChopBame killed Vertigo and got the 1-UP. I see no reason why Nodlied would lie though, this is something that would quickly be found out, backfire, and then he'd be lynched. I've also never seen a mechanic in mafia where items get distributed randomly on a non-lynch death. With what I've read I'd definitely support a ChopBam lynch today.
  4. Just got back and skimming through. It looks like there's good evidence that ChopBam is scum? Can someone tl;dr? Still going to read through, but would be nice to have.
  5. Not really... It's not consistent enough for that.
  6. Here's another thought... What if it only affects somebody who's already been voted for?
  7. I have no objections. I think a no lynch is better than a random lynch.
  8. Everyone except for FRAYDO. Which is pretty ironic.
  9. Anyone want to test voting for a no lynch? Lol
  10. At this point I think the DK is definitely a scum thing.
  11. That seems really hard to verify... I will have to leave though, I'll keep checking in on the discussion tonight but I won't be very active until tomorrow. One last thing before I go though, I do have a plan to get around this voting issue. Once we decide on who we should lynch, we'll go one at a time and cast a vote for said person. That way once they have the majority we can stop. We'll get a few people voting for themselves, but we'll eventually even out and get a majority on whoever we choose. Going one at a time will also help us figure out if there's anything else going on behind the scenes with this.
  12. @Mojoman Is your block ability just for the night?
  13. I believe Cat5 is claiming this: He visited you to give you an extra night action (i.e. being able to act twice in a night) You were night blocked by Mojo, so that blocked all actions you could possibly have N1
  14. Okay, I've looked back. You claim you used it on Shade. @Shade939 You have a night action right? Have you been notified about being able to use it twice?
  15. I've answered questions a few times (not just with Shade) when people didn't notice. You're here, I'm here, and I don't remember you saying anything about who you used it on.
  16. I still have no idea who that is. Do you have any actions that affect other players?
  17. @Category 5 Hurricane @Louis If you have anything you can add to clear yourself please do so. I don't think KY would make a claim about being in a masonry with FRAYDO if he wasn't; we'll still want to verify that though. That pretty much just leaves you and Louis.
  18. KY: Wii Fit Trainer iLTS: Majora (verified) Mojo: Ice Climbers (verified) ChopBam: Kirby (verified) Louis: Queen Rutela FRAYDO: Link (verified) Cat5: unknown Shade: Lucario (verified) Nodlied: Wario (verified) Vertigo: Dr. Mario Orange: Banjo Retal: Detective Pikachu So, we can potentially verify KY today. That leaves Louis and Cat5. I've thought of another possibility, but I don't want to say until we've done more to investigate Cat5 and Louis.
  19. @Killing_You Who did you target for your gym N1? If not, then did you boost somebody N1? @FRAYDO Are you currently in a masonry with KY?
  20. I didn't, and I don't recall anyone saying they did.
  21. Now that finally makes some sense... That would be interesting and sounds even more like a scum ability.
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