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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. The way I see it, he was legitimately acting anti-town. Even if you are lynchproof you ought to cooperate with town so the day isn't wasted. As soon as he was confirmed lynchproof he went from being a town target to a mafia target. So I'm more inclined to look at anybody (if there was anyone) who made a lame attempt to support ChopBam for brownie points.
  2. I'm just a simple townsmen. Though that's exactly why I requested one of the abilities of the role I have.
  3. In all honesty, you're my number one target as mafia if you aren't on my team.
  4. Oh, I didn't notice the time stone stuff. Maybe he's lying about one of the three then and it's a gambit. It just seems so similar to what Shade claim I'm kind of doubting it's an ability of his.
  5. I did not visit Chop last night, but that's just my word for it. I'm also not sure how he would be a threat to me, even if I was mafia.
  6. Okay, cause that idea got me thinking. Irish claimed to have learned of three random abilities last night by using the stone that Shade gave him. That's two more than Shade had. If nobody had that stone passed to them then that means Irish used it and held onto it. Either he has a character ability where he can use a stone and not pass it, he's willing to take whatever penalty there is from not passing it (I've always assumed death), or he's got some other way to safely use it (i.e. infinity gauntlet). I seriously doubt the first two, which leads me to question who he really is. Even if I had picked Thanos and had a way to mod confirm myself as town I still wouldn't out my character.
  7. @Shade939 @OrangeP47 Pretty important question I just thought of. Did you need to pass your stone the night you used it or the day/night after? Pretty sure I remember you guys saying you had to pass it the phase you used it, but I can't recall. Might be onto something with somebody...
  8. Don't drag me into this... I put pressure on Orange, but I did not "investigate" or say we should lynch him. I'm finding this bandwagon on him very odd.
  9. There's nothing I could have remotely done to cause this.
  10. Who was your original target? Just trying to make sure I'm 100% clear here. Sounds like you're claiming that you targeted player X and somebody redirected player X to ChopBam. Might have missed it, but I just want to be certain.
  11. Okay, if nobody counters this I think we can believe you there.
  12. Maybe it did, but we have Shade, who's confirmed as town, confirming that Orange passed him the soul stone. Either your stone doesn't affect passing an infinity stone or you're lying.
  13. Let's do this too. Did anybody pass Louis the mind stone on N1?
  14. So, do we think a redirection with the mind stone would not affect passing a soul stone? If not, then I think we really ought to take a hard look at Louis today. She could be lying.
  15. Well then, sorry for being too aggressive. Guess we need to figure out what happened and get some more details from Louis.
  16. derp... yeah we knew he had the soul stone...
  17. Oh, so you got the stone? That is very good to hear actually... Now, how do you know you got it from Orange?
  18. Okay, I'd like you to state here right now who you passed the stone to and what stone. It's kind of meta, but don't want to give you to time to get your story straight in a scum doc if you're scum.
  19. Then who is it? Or are you planning something to get them to admit to it?
  20. Alright, let me rephrase that. Irish had a more powerful result similar to what Shade claimed in 1-2 nights. Unless everybody in this game except me has an infinity gauntlet, we can use the stones without one, just like the comics/movies. I'm assuming just like the source material a gauntlet or other device could be used to more effectively use the stones. So, how do we explain the different result? Maybe Irish has something to harness the stones like an infinity gauntlet and is even more likely to be up to no good. Since we're in the Marvel MCU and we know Thanos had the infinity gauntlet (and there was potentially one other) if Irish is not Thanos then he probably has another infinity gauntlet.
  21. Again, if you weren't mod confirmed I'd be assuming you were scum. I'm already a bit more suspicious of KY based on his reaction. Maybe it's just my perspective as Marvel nerd, but I was referring more to in-universe than in-game.
  22. My assumption was Thanos as a role would be scum and have an infinity gauntlet. Irish is some other TP/Neutral (or maybe he is Thanos and not Stan Lee?) and just got an entirely different result than Shade using a stone. In the comics and movies there can be more than one gauntlet.
  23. That or Irish somehow amplifies the power of the stones. Maybe he has another infinity gauntlet?
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