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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I was trying yesterday to create a WIFOMy situation for scum, knowing that I'd be safe.
  2. I don't know if he has before. But he could if he had a scum mate... And I can actually back that up if I need to. But that would spill information that scum would find useful.
  3. Assuming Shade is telling the truth about receiving said item.
  4. So it's confirmed that FRAYDO did visit Orange and received cake. Think it's important to note that FRAYDO is lynchproof, has no items (before the cake), and has a night action. Somebody we should keep our eye on, but we know his night action was on Orange and not me.
  5. That's a pretty good idea, will have to start doing that.
  6. Abbreviated post, don't have time to retype everything. I can confirm one player as town. Will not list who or why, don't want to put them in danger. I'm also fairly certain that FRAYDO is not scum. Could still be anti-town, but he's off the list. I'd like @OrangeP47 and @FRAYDO to weigh in on ChopBam's claims. Could narrow the list even more. With that being said, we're at about 6 players who could have done the night kill. Of those 6, I have a decent town read on Irishman. If we take Orange off the list for now we're down to 4 players. Looking at those four and the reactions today I strongly suspect that the attempted killer is Shade. He was very vocal against my attempts to find scum. I'm going to read through his posts tonight and probably cast a vote then.
  7. I hate the new forums... On mobile, click to see latest reply, lose my entire post I was typing...
  8. Just a thought. The D1 post says players can use one ability action and one item action each night. It's possible Orange did more than just what you saw. Still don't think he's the one, but he's not off the list.
  9. Before, and he still has his lynchproof today. It's not item based, so he's probably not scum. Could be hostile still like Vertigo was.
  10. I don't suspect FRAYDO either. Orange isn't at the top of my list, but he's not on it.
  11. I'm willing to bet that an item shop is gonna open up. I'm tempted to hold onto the coins from the vault in case there's something big to buy. But that makes me a tempting target...
  12. LOADS OF MONEY. Gonna redistribute the wealth as I can. FOR THE PROLETARIAT!
  13. For those of you wondering, FRAYDO didn't start with any items.
  14. 100% positive. I don't think I've ever heard of a role that uses up any one-time use ability, so I'm assuming I was targeted by an attack.
  15. So, I had a one-time BP last night and it was used up. Was hoping that somebody would be able to confirm who attacked me. On mobile, but I'll try to post even more in about 2 hours.
  16. One anime girl dead to backsplash. RIP...
  17. Just waiting on @Nodlied. I probably won't have time to make a detailed post until noon EST. Hopefully he responds before then.
  18. After trying out C&C Rivals I can't say I'm going to hope for much...
  19. Completely forgot about V1410nl... lots of old players who are no longer around.
  20. There are bad players I shall not name who are no longer here... Anybody from the old BHP days should be familiar with them.
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