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Posts posted by Jerad2142


    Why is the biped top heavy walker leaning with the terrain? Does UDK not have the power to make proper mech physics? Or are you showing off that a normal tank can be animated like a mech like has been done in Renegade and many other games for years?


    I see little point moving to UDK if its going to have us make the same hacks Renegade already does. It might be prettier, but why move from one dated engine to another.


    Perhaps the servers won't be empty 90% of the time. That's a pretty good reason to move engines. :- )



  2. Why is the biped top heavy walker leaning with the terrain? Does UDK not have the power to make proper mech physics? Or are you showing off that a normal tank can be animated like a mech like has been done in Renegade and many other games for years?


    I see little point moving to UDK if its going to have us make the same hacks Renegade already does. It might be prettier, but why move from one dated engine to another.

  3. Will these affect frame rate if many of them are placed?

    It of course is beneficial to attach them to other like parts (if two meshes use the same texture attach their geometry to make it save a draw call). If you load them onto the map as tiles there will be a bigger hit than if you add them as a single terrain mesh, but this is still better than adding them as simple objects, and vastly better than vehicle objects.


    Either way, I you can easily place 300 tiles without seeing any slowdown on most computers (Remember all the trees on Zunnie maps?).

  4. Ugg, another person that records stuff off their screen with a camera.


    The Alien's AI is cool, although I have seen a few times where it literally walks right past me on its way to investigate a sound, maybe it was suppose to be a "dark" room and couldn't see me or something; however, AI can be an immensely complex thing, and its easy to see how sometimes priorities get in conflict and bots do things that the player finds to be less logical at the time. All in all its a very good game IMO.

  5. The player could then hit Q or a similar key to switch control between the controlled unit and the Yuri character. This is so that the Yuri could go and hide, whilst the captured unit could fight in his place. If Yuri is to die, the unit switches sides again and the Allies get a bot to fight for them!

    I like this idea, it makes it possible for the player to make full use of mind controlled units that the AI might not be smart enough to use effectively.

    Although, I think it might be a good idea to make it so that after a mind controlled unit is released it can't be recaptured, as I could see the allies using bots to just flood the mind control devices on the map.


    Is there a range to the AI's detection? By that I mean it won't target the nearest enemy regardless of location, it would wonder around until it sees something.

    Amendment to my previous answer: There IS code existing for AI to only target in a sight arc, but it is not implemented yet in TSR. We may implement it, but since it is untested on the FDS, it will not be anytime soon.


    Stock Renegade uses line of sight checks for its infantry all the time (on the FDS and in single player) anything that blocks projectiles blocks AI line of sight; so unless you're using some scripts that actually go out of their way to find objects from the objects list and then just start shooting as soon as there is a clear line of fire TSR would also be making use of line of sight.



    Or we could LOD or VIS the interior.


    VIS hasnt worked with the reborn LE. Dunno if it works now.

    Looks like that's something that will need looking into, thanks you for reporting it.


    Some levels need to be regen'd every time you open it in the level, this is a common thing in ECW and on Bear Island, but in the past I have had a few maps where the vis stuck around from each time I loaded the map. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with how complex the maps vis is.

  7. Actually we just turned the icons off entirely in SSGM config. The binding system is still fully functional, you just don't get the stupid blue floating icons

    Never was a fan of them, especially on my renegade bear hunter map, but at the same time I didn't want to put the effort into disabling them.

  8. Its a shame, personally I found Sim City 2013 to be my favorite in the cities in the series (most challenging). The small map size was important to make it challenging as in older sim cities if you had an issue with money you'd just keep zoning more and more regions to fix it, size limit helps prevent that. The online could have been done much better, but it was their first attempt (hell, an actual in game chat that was instant would have satisfied me instead of the laggy region wall. But in the end I can't deny I saw this coming, lot of people black listed the game early on due to server connection issues, even after those were fixed hardly anyone gave it another try, so it was doomed from the get go.

    • Time Machines

    This is honestly the hardest part, I've dicked with this for years, and while I've got it to the point where I can record all the vehicle/infantry positions at any point in time, thus allowing me to roll the game back to a previous state, there is still the issue of players quitting and joining that I have yet to iron out.

    April fools! Who would seriously take the time to turn a piece of shit into a piece of shit up close?

    Hey now, the only reason I think this game sucked was due to how hard they ruined harvesting.

    • Blonde Tanya with "real" physics


    Yay enhanced breast physics?




    RA3 was shit lol


    Haha... They lost me with the bears man :/



    We'll have bears in no time with Jerad's help for sure.


    Well beings Bear Island already has bears fully animated as infantry all that's really needed is the 3D model.

  9. It's dead because it isn't enjoyable. One could also argue that it's dead because it looks old, but that's merely a contributing factor.

    Beings there are plenty of old and sometimes even ugly games that have a bigger fan base than APB I think its safe to say that the gameplay is the issue. I guess its possible with better PR they could get more people to play it, but beings Renegade still has ~50 people in a single server periodically through out the day I'd guess that it has more issues than just PR.

  10. A scripts build that was released (we aren't sure which, and at this point, I don't care) set all the vehicles to type "turret". What this does is tell the netcode to treat them like turrets, which usually do not move, so vehicles when they moved became desynced as the netcode is not designed to handle moving turrets. This was an easy fix however, and all vehicles are once again set to their respective (correct!) types.

    Actually that's caused by the 4.2 level editor and not scripts builds, had that happen to bear island a while back, it also makes the map incompatible with any 4.1 clients and below, so I quit using the 4.2 LE.

  11. The thing with w3d: It does not use your GPU smartly. Nearly everything in Renegade is done on the CPU... on a single thread (I think a second thread is used for texture rendering, but don't quote me on that). This essentially is a dual-pronged fork. If you have a great GPU but a bad CPU, UDK/UE4 will run better than w3d. If you have a bad GPU though, then don't count on it.

    There is a thread for loading textures, physics is on its own separate thread, and there are a few others.

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