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Posts posted by Jerad2142

  1. Pretty cool man, I tried to do some animations for a simple chickens and that was beyond me lol.. Nice stuff :)

    That was my fault, I told you to name it CK, but turns out you can only have a single letter IE: H_R_Human instead of H_CK_Human.


    This does mean we're limited to 36 Skeletons, a few more if it also accepts special characters.

  2. Nah, there are very few maps you can drop really far in a vehicle worst case 0 gets you is the same thing you see with infantry when they fall for a long time. But if you want it to be interesting set it to be negative, once it gets moving, the negative "drag" only adds to the speed, shit can get crazy fast :p

  3. You think big textures are the only thing the renegade engine should support to keep people on it. You are mistaken. How about things such as dynamic lighting normal mapping specular mapping modern tools actually having access to the source code of the engine. Sorry for bad grammar but I am typing this on a cell phone.

    In all fairness Renegade does have dynamic lighting, I think you mean dynamic shadows (plenty of engines out there have dynamic lighting and static baked on the terrain, even in Unity (Unless you go pro) your forced to pre-compute light maps).

  4. I used to use my full real life name on-line, never been too worried about having bad shit put out about me (at least not because of things I post on Renegade Forums). But now I use Jerad2142 as its my in game name.


    Jerad is my first name, and 2142 is my favorite video game.

  5. It's a very old technique that was even used in the beginning of Renegade (~1998 or so) - if you look at the old models that Eric Kearns gave me years ago, it becomes obvious. The Tiberium Harvester has wheel caps, for example. I don't see why you couldn't use it, but there is a tradeoff in performance with alpha maps vs geometry. With current modeling standards, I'd argue that wheels should be at least 20 sided but probably no more than 24 sided. It's very possible to have a similar polygon count to what you currently have by using textures to hide the lack of detail in the wheel hubs.

    There is also a small trade off due to multiple draw calls used by the alpha cap and the tread for the rest of the wheel. In addition of the performance hit sometimes those alpha maps like to show up in front of static sorted meshes, we used to have an issue in ECW where the fans on one of the submarines used to show through the water (which is a 4 pass (with 2 textures on each pass) static sorted mesh).

  6. That's because there's a hard 800 polygon limit for those older models. They're considered "generation 1" models and have strict limitations on texture sizes and usage. For the Topkick, the round parts of any portion of the vehicle are actually alpha maps. The wheels are capped with a single polygon using an alpha channel which gives the illusion of roundness - otherwise they'd be eight-sided cylinders. IIRC, the cable spool you're referring to actually has a hexagonal section in the center of it. If I had reference showing otherwise, I would've made that instead. ;-)


    I'm not fond of Gen 1 models because of the limitations, but that's what our customer expects from us and it's consistent with the rest of the vehicles - for good or bad.

    There is of course plenty of value to knowing how to make low poly models, there is a certain art when it comes to saving polys and still having the model look good. For example there are a lot of 3D models that I'd have bought from 3d modeling sites and put into ECW if it wasn't for the creator of them carelessly deforming a mesh or whatever they did to make something that could have been 1,000 polys 100,000.

  7. did blazea gave you some of his weed? :D

    Haha, actually made the original before I meet blazea, then my hard drive died and I had to remake it later.

    I played it already, it's unique and fun. Would love to try it out in multiplayer.

    Yeah we're trying to get the ECW server back on-line, but at this rate I might end up being able to port it back to 4.2 before that lol.

  8. Inspired by a game called Comet Buster, C&C Asteroids is just a 3D version of the good old asteroids game (its played on a 2D playing field however). It features things like powerups and bosses, and can do multiplayer up to 8 players.

    Jump to about 17:20 for the most action:


    Originally I made this in Renegade 4.0, but eventually I moved it to ECW as I had more control and functionality, assuming I can get a few more network calls added I suppose it can be moved back into 4.2. I think I might wait until 4.3 to actually release back into Renegade as the player super weapons as well as starting the game and other functions require a lot of key hooks.

  9. Here's some of the Renegade-quality models I've built and painted. These are limited to one 1024x texture for the main body of the vehicle and one 512x texture for the wheels, plus a 256x for the treads, if either wheels or treads are applicable. There's generally a maximum poly count of 800 triangles.


    USCG Short Range Prosecutor:








    GMC Topkick tree truck:







    Those are some nice vehicles.

  10. One Winged Angel has the Battle Fortress working in UDK as well:


    If any project has the potential to be successful on a new engine, it would be AR. They have most of their source files, most of their team members are quite familiar with UE, and since RA2 is much more popular (and easier for a new person to understand) than say, TD or TS, they would have the option of having a lot more people to work on it.

    I hope that's just the recording software making the video choppy.


    I think Jerad has a point with the vehicle physics. The way RenX's vehicles stack on top of each other when they collide is really stupid. The only thing I wish Renegade tanks had was proper acceleration.

    wheeled ren vehicles have gears (is it called gears? idk) dont you think this can be adjusted to your likes? for the tracked vehicles maybe TT could implent gears. or what kind of acceleration you mean?


    and for those eyecandy dudes, have you ever played playstation one games? they are still damn fun!


    Try giving your tanks more mass (I'm talking like 200,000 instead of 20,000 or whatever value most Ren tanks run. If you bump it up high it will take them longer to get up to speed, same holds true to aircraft.

  12. I can say this:


    Renegade X is currently planning a full open-source release. It's in the planning stage, but the build I have right now has scripts, maps, models, and everything else fully uncooked and ready to open in an included UDK. The intention is to allow modders and mappers the ability to create content for the game.

    Honestly, if I were moving to another engine last thing I'd do is build on top of another mod, its painful enough dealing with all the things the original devs of the engine did wrong, much less a group of people who modded on top of all that.


    BUT, I suppose if you love reviving/working on dying games/engine and you are tired of W3D RenegadeX would be the next best jump.

  13. I wonder how much work it'd be to make a TSR version of the map... same concept but using TSR characters and weapons...

    Very little, I temped all the Renegade characters because I put my control scripts on them by hand, so all the work it'd really take is to remake the PT's presets for the character presets of TSR, AR, or APB instead (or BFD if its running 4.2). The vehicles aren't Ren vehicles so those don't need to be switch. Only thing I'd worry about is it being possibly too easy or too hard (due to weapon damage differences and character health differences between the mods).

    It does need the fix I made for identifying the head bone of infantry I made 40 days ago, otherwise the deer like to twist up all weird when they look at things.



    It is very likely ECW will get this map, or at least a similar version to it.

    This would require ECW to be moved to 4.2, and right now I'm very lazy about that, so many conversion mistakes I could make when moving the 120k 3.4.4 lines of code to the 4.2 version could leave things broken in months.

  14. Do you have the time of day changing in ECW by the way? I notice some of those shots have different sky colours and whatnot, which I thought were static for a level.

    Lighting is static, we just have multiple levels with different times of day, although I forgot to do that for the last release.



    I love that lense flare

  15. You don't have anything "invested" in Renegade. I've made far more content than most people have (I'd be surprised if anyone actually beat me for the amount of content generated) for the game and I had no issues dropping it for better things. There's no sense in being emotionally attached to game engines. They're just tools. I get what you're trying to say but you're not making a convincing argument here. Now for the flip side:


    How many people are actually playing what you're making? Who knows about it outside of the ~50 people that are left in this game? What happens to your project if Jonwil decides to quit, or if he gets hurt and can't program anymore, or dies, etc? Or if Saberhawk decides to be a shit and refuses to help anymore? It's a house of cards right now, man. You're better off learning how to do better things on better engines. There's plenty of talent to recruit from. If you have to start over, at least you're learning something new instead of trying to mod an engine whose graphical capabilities rival that of Deus Ex in 2000 - and whose gameplay is always a modded form of Renegade's C&C Mode.

    By definition I do have time and money invested in this, the material result I'm getting from this is the satisfaction of having made something that people play. You whip out your stuff in a 10th of the time it takes most people, so you can't judge amount of content to amount of time spent, just because you make more doesn't mean they didn't spend more time doing it. As for you having no issues dropping it for better things, if I remember correctly you didn't exactly leave APB in a drama free way. I'm not attached to the engine I'm attached to my work and don't want to spend time remaking it. I understand that you want me to move onto a better engine because I can (and when I have worked with them do) create better looking things; however, my desire to create a new project is pretty much null at this point, and I spent 1/10th the time modding as I once did.

    ECW is Standalone, and I have full access to the TT source so I could continue to work if I desired to even if all sorts of horrible things happened. No matter what engine you build something on, eventually it won't work anymore. And I honestly like the gameplay style of C&C Renegade, if I didn't I wouldn't have touched the engine to begin with.



  16. Regardless, Unreal 4 might be worth looking into. I do have a free year of UE4 due to industry connections that I haven't started using yet.

    Oh I know its good, its just that I have so much invested in this engine that, at the time, I don't think moving on makes sense, I wouldn't have the drive to remake my teams work on a new engine, especially since so many have moved on (One of them went nuts, and another moved on to Saints Row 4 modding).

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