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Nyerguds last won the day on June 24 2015

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About Nyerguds

  • Birthday 12/14/1983

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  • Venerable Tiberian Dawn Modder

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  1. I hope they just take my patch changelist as starting point... after all, most of it is things that really needed fixing.
  2. tomsons26, actually. There's an s before the number
  3. I did a few of the news and updates posts there, but the funny blogs were mostly courtesy of Duuude007 I guess. All of these are actually still up on the old forum; the main site just got its contents from there: http://www.cnc-source.com/forums/index.php?showforum=266 The only images in there that still work are mine, though; since I didn't have access to the main site FTP I uploaded them to my own site.
  4. Musical boss battle against a giant heap of sh... eh, poo. Beat that! Gotta love Conker's Bad Fur Day
  5. Everyone here seems to be ignoring the fact that that "minigunner" pic was only made for the C&C Gold Win95 rerelease of the game. They just stuffed whatever prop they had lying around in the guy's hands for that manual pic. The original DOS version doesn't contain that pic anywhere; it uses this image for the minigunner: Yup... an actual minigun From the way the 'minigunner' actually shoots ingame, and the fact the cover art of the game has an M16 at the side, it's fairly clear that the actual ingame weapon is an M16A2 on 3-round burst mode. On a related note... in Renegade they kind of got around this by actually making "officers" who more or less did carry a mobile heavy machine gun, quite comparable to a minigun, --- As for the commando... yeah, no excuse there. That was made purely to look cool. That is in no way a sniper rifle
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