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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. @ Threve

    We're in the middle of Tib War 1, I'll use my head canon and say that yes, stealth tanks and infantry are being deployed, but in limited numbers depending on the value of what is being defended or attacked. Given that GDI doesn't know exactly what's in this research centre, it and the nearby base may or may not be high enough value to be defended by them, but Mayhem has run into a few stealth soldiers before, so he's not entirely inexperienced with them.

    I can't wait until you go to the Nod base and just find an engineer reaching the mine limit on every entrance. :argh:

    "With Nod feeling confident, they've begun to make mistakes. Recently, intelligence officers have uncovered a Nod research centre..." infer from this what you will regarding the likelihood of mines, traps, defensive emplacements, and even how experienced the soldiers may or may not be in each area.

    If there are any mines or traps they also won't result in instant death to Mayhem. Eg: I give you a choice of going right or left, you go left and there's a bunch of mines and you die. That won't happen for instance.

  2. Also let me know how much you'd like me to be involved in the discussion. While I have general ideas for each of the choices, it's not like I have everything planned out down to the last detail.

    I'll say with the starting few choices, nothing would be a direct fail state. All 3 of the options are viable, but as you've discussed there could be some downsides that would make it harder to reach the Research Centre depending on the choice you make.

  3. Hey guys!

    I was just wondering if someone could tell me the story of Darth Plaguis the Wise the old APB vs Reborn feud? I was rereading forum posts from 2015 (Ahhh memories) and came across people comparing that drama to the old APB vs Reborn. Can someone fill me in on when this happened and what happened? I assume it was from the mid 2000's.

  4. Chapter 1: Just Another Day on the Job.

    Agent's Code Name: Mayhem
    Mission Date: May 25th, 1998
    Mission Objective: Infiltrate Nod Research Centre, extract any essential data, disable research centre.

    Background: It is the middle of the First Tiberium War. Nod is now working out in the open. Several poorer nations have put their backing behind Nod. The media has begun to turn against GDI, the town of Białystok has turned into a firestorm of accusations against GDI for crimes against humanity.

    With Nod feeling confident, they've begun to make mistakes. Recently, intelligence officers have uncovered a Nod research centre about 25 miles outside of Salzburg, Austria, near the town of Traschwandt. There have been reports of people and livestock disappearing from Traschwandt, but the local officials have been suspiciously quiet on this matter. A Tiberium field appeared about two months ago and has been spreading at a higher rate than usual.


    Mayhem is currently on a stealth plane preparing to land near the research centre. How should he do it?

    1. Nod has set up a small base near the research centre, on the side of the Tiberium field opposite of Traschwandt. The base is lightly defended and consists of an Airfield, a Hand of Nod, and a power plant.

    2. Land in the Tiberium Field. Mayhem's field suit can protect him for a short time from Tiberium exposure. Aerial intelligence has not verified any threats, but movement has been seen in the field.

    3. Land at Traschwandt. There is no official Nod presence in the town. However, the villagers are on edge and the local officials have turned a blind eye to the disappearances of persons and livestock.

    Inventory: Tiberium field suit
    .50 cal silenced sniper rifle (6 bullets)
    C4 charges (2)
    Mossberg 500 shotgun (12 shells)


    Note:  I've changed updates to weekly over twice weekly. After this week, updates will be in separate posts.

    If you feel you need more information, I'll give it at my discretion.

    Hey guys,

    I'm gauging interest for a choose your own adventure style game here on the forums.

    What is it?

    A choose your own adventure game is a story-driven game where the players (That's you!) get to choose how the story progresses.

    A simple example: You are walking down a road and come to a fork in the path.
    Option A- You turn right
    Option B- You turn left

    Once one of these options is chosen, the story continues with various consequences (positive and / or negative) based on this choice.

    How would this work?

    Using the forums poll feature, your friendly neighbourhood GM (That's me!) would present options once a week for the community to vote on. The poll would close the day before the next poll opens and the story will continue with the option chosen.

    Who is it for?

    This game would be drop in / drop out for anyone. Player input can be minimal, with just voting for the day and then leaving, or can be more involved, with discussions of what would be the best course of action and trying to persuade others.

    When would it start?

    If there's interest, this can start within a month. It can also run concurrently with a mafia game as it doesn't demand the same level of interaction.

    What would be the setting?

    It is the middle of Tib-War 1. The character is a GDI commando, codenamed 'Mayhem', infiltrating a Nod research centre at the edge of a Tiberium field. Intelligence is sketchy, but it seems there are ongoing experiments with Tiberium exposure to animals and plants. There are also intelligence reports that people have been disappearing from the nearby town. Mayhem's objective within the research centre is to see what Nod is up to and stop them.

    So let me know in the poll up above if you'd be interested in this type of game and any feedback if you've played similar games in the past.

  5. 1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Lol no I live for antagonizing Cat 5 (See Death Note Mafia, where you specifically told me not to do it but I did it anyway and look what happened)

    And there's really no indication of you and Cat-5 being on any sort of team. The worst I can think of is you saying if the night was sabotaged you wouldn't neccesarily suspect Cat-5, but once I corrected you, it was all good.


    6 hours ago, Jeod said:

    Suddenly you want to go on the missions, Mojojojo?

    And yeah, I gave my reasoning I didn't want to go yesterday and then said I'd want to go the next day, to prevent this exact thing from happening.

  6. On 4/15/2021 at 9:51 AM, Jeod said:

    I'd think the opposite. I would expect a sabotage because if there isn't one they're just giving us one more win (2/3). Even if they're both scum, it isn't in their best interest to let it slide because we'll likely be rotating players again the following mission regardless of what happens.

    So Jeod was expecting a player rotation today.

    4 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    If Jeod was playing the long con, he'd still have tried to get his partner on the away team yesterday, and I don't see evidence of that.

    Frankly, he didn't have to, seeing as I was against going on the away team yesterday.

    I believe it is a long-con with a Jeod / Louis scum team. Here's what I think happened. Jeod was quick to jump on to the away team D1, Louis has been quiet, but her questions have been basically random simple questions that have her fly under the radar. Eg; "Wait why are we sending Jeod?" Louis then used some roleblock ability on Jeod N1 for more credibility.

    The length of time here isn't too long, since no one mentioned a scheme like this until now.


    5 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean, I've considered it, but I'm not gonna worry about it too much unless it actually happens.  As of right now it'd be dumb to not do what we're doing.  Going with the unproven team because the proven team isn't 100% proven is a bad move when the proven team has still gotten us 2/3 of the way to victory without taking any hits.

    But don't forget with my math, that 2/3 victory can quickly turn to a 2/3 defeat and basically put us in a tie.

    Therefore, I ##Nominate Townbot, Orange, Cat_5, Mojo for the away team.

  7. Is there a possibility Jeod took himself out of the game for D2 as a scum play? Obviously if he was scum he wouldn't sabotage the first away team, but what if was able to target anyone with a... well I guess roleblock (?) Style action. 


    That way he gets on for sure D3 (today), there's sabotage tonight, 1 point scum, we wise up, don't put him on D4, but put on his scum buddy, 2 points scum, then we have to argue between the remaining members and figure out if Jeod was actually the saboteur D3?

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