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Everything posted by Hiramaky

  1. Clearly we need to rely on our freedom-loving Anglophiles to bail us out on this one. Get SammyD on the line.
  2. I saw the forum title and got excited about some John Woo akimbo shiet and got slightly disappointed. On the other hand, some more work on guns are always appreciated, as although an arcadey feel is important, I can see a few issues. Personally, I kinda feel that the weapons need more oomph to them. It needs to feel more like I'm firing, so perhaps the gun sounds need to be edited. Otherwise, I can only really refer to OWA's post above. He says it much better than I ever will.
  3. So you're telling me there won't be a DLC you can buy that replaces the commando skin with Isaac Clarke? Sad!
  4. inb4 mammoth tanks are placed behind an "Advanced GDI Technology DLC". $14.99 including skins. $4.99 for a one-time Ion Cannon use.
  5. That MAD raid was amazing, and one of the biggest highlights of the night. Alongside playing Road Wars in a Storage Container against some Naval Transport in LP.
  6. As mentioned in the Discord, the Debut/Premiere/Benninging of APB Thursday Throwdown went off to a very promising start. With players of up to thirty, it was action packed. It was high-octane. It was emotional. Cheekis were breeki'd, and Freedom was unleashed on commies. Tactics were put to use and players new to the MP APB scene such as myself were quickly learned in the Art of War. While still rough around the edges, it is something that will bring us all together in a scheduled event. With the exception of a very few, everyone got on with each other, even when they were on the losing end. As someone who suggested the idea in the first place, I thank you for taking the time to join in. While it's still in its early phases, please feel free to offer suggestions on how the Thursday Throwdown could be better improved. I hope to see more of that tomfoolery and shenanigans tomorrow, where we will: Suffer demo raids, Endure spies sapping your PP's, Wince at the Mammies and Hinds, Curl in a ball and cry at enemy rushes. Be there, or be a 4-sided object.
  7. This will be fun. Hope to see everyone ingame, so I can demonstrate my bias for a certain Eastern European superpower.
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