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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I have no need to "justify my continued existence" for I am the only one brave enough to vote Retaliation.
  2. That's because he never misses an opportunity to be Wrong.
  3. I was hoping others were going to start claiming they were Godzillacus.
  4. The frosted confection is a figment of your imagination.
  5. I unfortunately do not breathe or emit radiation
  6. In some cultures, it's considered rude to hide your power level...
  7. I think I've figured out where your role is from.
  8. Counterpoint: The only good monster is a dead one! *rolls dice for vote* Crap ##vote Retaliation
  9. *XCOM Terror from the Deep intensifies*
  10. Fog of war and unit design/balance are the two big ones I'd change. A few more units would be good too. Always felt tib sun's arsenal favored gimmick units over standard ones (GDI only has 3 combat infantry!) but that might be to much for some people.
  11. I didn't realize that! The only real thing that's different from the original is the modern interface (which is huge admittedly) and graphics. I had fun with the GDI campaign, but they're still a chore to play and I'd rather play something else. I always felt that with Tib Sun Westwood's ambition exceeded their ability so I'd rather EA attempt a remake.
  12. Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.
  13. Now hold your 8 legged horses mister. I think we need to have a serious discussion about something that has been bothering me for awhile. Where do you put punctuation marks when you end a statement with an emote ?
  14. It's because BIG MONSTERS won't fit in the post unless you use tiny text.
  15. Yeah I fell for Cat5 hard as well.
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