I could live with Sammyd and JackSparrow being bad, if they were just bad at planning, gunning or perhaps went soloing for base defenses now and then. But as I see it, they intentionally fuck it up for whichever team they are on.
Sammyd proudly pronounces ALL his teams plans to the team, types most of his shit in F2, acts like a freaking mastermind when he finds the tunnels below buildings on KeepOfTheGrass, then get surprised when the doors of a team won't open for the other. He shoots at buildings, that are already dead, and recently in a teamfight on Zama, (I was Allies), the soviets were rushing the powerplant. He decided that the best course of action was to stay in the supply truck, and keep using the horn while telling us to follow him.
Screw the turret, powerplant, the fact that our entire base is under attack. You can't tell him to do anything,and I've started whispering my plans to the teammates that I know are good at fighting as a team, because he will intentionally fuck them up by telling the enemy team we are coming. I don't know if he just really IS bad, or if he is acting like he is, on purpose.
I'm sure I am not alone in this statement; I don't mind fighting an unfair fight, but it pisses me off when the very people who are supposed to fucking help you, actively counterworks you.