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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Smh, cultural appropriation in mafia. These are the times.....
  2. Oh boy here we go! It's been a while since we had a proper duel of words lads.
  3. If you haven't played it I highly recommend it. Great puzzler and story by Capcom. iTunes
  4. My death flavor just reminded me of that video is all.
  5. Hey shade, your liquidate ability didn’t confirm your alignment.
  6. I wouldn't mind it being its own forum instead of a subforum.
  7. This should be the final cvc: Killing You voted NoLynch OrangeP47 voted nobody Jeod voted Nodlied iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Shade939 voted Nodlied Nodlied voted Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane voted NoLynch ChopBam voted Shade939 Sunflower voted Category 5 Hurricane Verti60 voted iLiketoSnipe It's a 3-way tie between Nodlied, Shade, and NoLynch.
  8. I didn't talk him out of not using it, I said I'd prefer if he used it on you, the confirmed lynchproof player with unknown alignment and zero verifications.
  9. Of course scum would want to down the vengeful doctor claim. The other side of the coin is that he's scum. I'd prefer to not risk it.
  10. We still have no clue if Verti60 can be verified town. I'm not changing my vote on Nodlied, and I suggest not being so trigger-happy.
  11. Actually I'd save it for you if I were him, since you're also lynchproof.
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