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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I could build that, but it isn't worth the effort at the moment.
  2. I didn't add PP in this game because I didn't develop a system to recover it, and also because I didn't want players to be limited in their moves when faced with certain Pokemon. Since it was the first attempt at this sort of game, having a player go "damn, should've saved that ice beam pp" was a no-no.
  3. As long as ideas flow and my experimental games cultivate even better games, I’m happy. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
  4. Then why are you complaining so much? You clearly understand it was your own fault that you ended up weaker than your opponents.
  5. I'll jot in down in my own notes then. A PokeMafia in Hoenn's Battle Tower setting is the perfect place to add things like per-phase battle rules.
  6. Adding on to it, trying to figure out who purchased a battle rule and why during the previous rest phase would make for excellent discussion during the day phase...
  7. I see where you're coming from but RNG is still a large factor in these games, and a large source of fun as well. Perhaps one alternative would be to add different rules to battle phases somehow. For instance, where I declare single or double battles at the daystart. If there were battle rules like "no items" or "base forms only", etc, then not only could things be a tad more fair, but the level of strategy in both town and scum choosing when to battle and when to back off would be astronomical.
  8. Careful not to change too much of the game based on the needs of a less skilled player. There are plenty of opportunities for deception and word choices that weren't taken, and as scum in a mafia game one shouldn't expect to be able to give those abilities a backseat even in a "battle" styled game.
  9. Some extras to note: Hidden Machines were counted as a separate action from TMs in terms of teaching moves to Pokemon. They also weren't discarded after being used, though none of you knew this. Just a little easter egg one could figure out, as Category 5 inadvertently did. Rocket Nightkills were initially a timed mechanic. They would be allowed to add a poison status condition to a Pokemon each night if they hadn't eliminated any Trainers past Battle 6. This would have been at a cost of 3 or 4 Pokecoins, but since Shade died on Battle 6, the mechanic got immediately shifted to a more potent poisoning with zero cost. The only drawback was that the targets had to have been seen first, either through scouting actions or battle.
  10. Kanto News 6 reporting with breaking news! Police have just escorted a Team Rocket Admin, Killing_You, from the Silph company building. One Trainer, OrangeP47, was seen on a stretcher, but fortunately police tell us he is alive and will recover. The five other Trainers have exited the building to cheers from the citizens and police forces. It's thanks to good-hearted trainers like these that thugs such as Team Rocket don't dominate our peaceful world. Our station was hijacked a few days ago. The Team Rocket Boss, identity unknown, had made a threat to the Trainers. Police have searched the Silph company building but were unable to apprehend a suspect. Team Rocket may no longer be a threat for now, but their organization is still at large. Still, now is a time to celebrate and...<fade to credits etc> HALL OF FAME OrangeP47 as Trainer! There isn't much more to say. You came out the door with guns blazing and quickly tracked down scum. You made an excellent team composition, too. Killing_You as Team Rocket Admin! Despite the absence through the discussion phases, Killing_You came into the fights prepared. His Alakazam would have been a truly unstoppable force if he'd had more time to get items, and had his partner Shade939 still alive. If only he'd been present to use scum's greatest weapon--words. Shade939 as Team Rocket Admin! Shade had a few mistakes that we discussed in the Rocket Doc. Overall, I still think he did the best he could, and everyone slips up from time to time. If it wasn't for his logical comments on game mechanics, this game could have gone a bit more poorly and less optimized. In fact, you all were a great help in keeping a complex game like this running smoothly. FRAYDO as Silph Executive! FRAYDO was the only cop in the game, and even then scum had Fake IDs available to them. The way this was set up made town consider the presence of a godfather, and Giovanni's transmission only added to that. In retrospect, I should have started one of the admins off with a Fake ID, since this was a tad risky and dependent on town second-guessing themselves. Scum never went for the T3 Rocket Box though--they might have prioritized it had they known they could acquire a Fake ID item. Sunflower as a Trainer! Sunflower did really well in her battles, and I have to hand it to her--it's definitely one of her strengths. I'm looking forward to her continued show of force in PokeMafia 2. TheIrishMan as a Trainer! High HP matters. You knew this, didn't you? From the start of the game I figured you'd be one tough guy to take down, and I'm surprised nobody thought you might be scum after the second-guessing around the cop reports. Also, congrats on being the only player to fulfill their secondary objective (even though your rival turned out to be scum)! Category 5 Hurricane as a Trainer! I feel like it's been a while since you've been able to sit back and relax your brain during a mafia game. With your team and decisions, I could tell you were having fun with it instead of being the super-serious-sherlock you normally are. To be honest, I'm glad it turned out that way. On Game Mechanics Most of my opinions and observations on game balance can be found in the scumdoc, where you’ll see I actively tried to give advice to scum in sticky situations (but not to the point of making them insta-win). Remember that this is an experimental game. There are bound to be issues, especially with Gen1, which is why I was open to fixing certain aspects of the game as it was ongoing. Despite that, Shade and KY played extremely poorly—no amount of balance will fix that, and I had to refuse to add a handicap multiple times to the point of threatening a modkill. The critical moment, I think, was Battle 5. Battle 2 was a hint to how this game would end up when Shade kept spamming a OHKO move with only 30% accuracy, but Battle 5 could have gone very well for them if they’d paid attention. By that point Shade had several items at his disposal but used none of them, and KY could have been using Slash for critical hits over the lower-damaging Rage. I even coached them a bit before the battle out of pity, and they didn’t listen. They also took greater risks like not training Magikarp into Gyarados when it only needed one more VP, and putting Machop and Charmander into battle at a risk of losing the VP they had. Aside from that, they really didn’t have a good plan with their primary weapon: words. Shade missed several opportunities to try to spin the votes onto Category 5, but didn’t take them. KY was virtually nonexistent in the early discussion phases. I’m confident that had any other duo been scum, they’d have won. Mechanics-wise, I feel that some moves need work, especially the trapping moves, but other than that I can’t see any big issues. The power is with the players for this kind of game, so balance is a matter of perspective. Take away the mistakes players make and the game appears suitably balanced, although I would perhaps rework the cop mechanic given the amount of time it takes for even one player to be eliminated from the game. Changes include removing the GM-confirmation in PMs (checked your ID…) as well as giving scum a Fake ID from the start. On Rivals, that system was meant to help scum keep things a little more chaotic and also keep players from deciding to gang up on any one other player. Unfortunately, the secondary objective was almost entirely ignored—the exact opposite of how I thought it would go, given previous games. Perhaps it could use some sort of reward or consequence for fulfilling or failing the objective (aside from post-game accolades). Documents Team Rocket Doc Game Data Giovanni will return
  11. Endgame post will go up within an hour or so.
  12. Nope, right off the bat Scyther can just use Quick Attack on Turn 13 to win. Game over.
  13. KY would have had no way of knowing you had a X-Speed to help Scyther out. You were the larger threat damage-wise. However, there is a possibility that KY would have used Reflect on Turn 12. So I'll refrain from posting any battle results until he approves or rejects the outcome. Meanwhile, I'll do a simulation to see if using Reflect would even save Alakazam in the long run.
  14. TURN 13: Scyther used Slash! A critical hit! Alakazam took 20 DMG (0 HP left)! Alakazam fainted!
  15. This battle is over. KY has no potions left and Scyther attacks first.
  16. TURN 12: TheIrishMan used X-Speed on Scyther! Its Speed stat was raised to 157! Scyther used Slash! A critical hit! Alakazam took 20 DMG (2 HP left)! Alakazam used Psychic! Alakazam's attack missed!
  17. 75% is still a good accuracy rate. The only reason you missed a move was because you got paralyzed.
  18. TURN 11: Killing_You used a Super Potion! Alakazam recovered health (52 HP)! Scyther used Slash! A critical hit! Alakazam took 20 DMG (32 HP left)!
  19. Timeout, what happened there? Damage = ((2.4 * 90 * (135/17) /50) + 2) * ((1 + 1.5) * 1) = 90 Psychic had a 10% chance to lower the opponent's Special stat, which could stack up to two times. Alakazam's Special is 135 while Snorlax's got lowered to 17. Talk about lucky. But can Alakazam survive Scyther?
  20. TURN 10: Alakazam used Psychic on Snorlax! A critical hit! Snorlax took 90 DMG (0 HP left)! Snorlax fainted! Scyther used Slash! A critical hit! Alakazam took 20 DMG (2 HP left)!
  21. TURN 9: Killing_You used a Super Potion! Alakazam recovered health (55 HP left)! Scyther used Quick Attack! Alakazam took 6 DMG (49 HP left)! Snorlax used Seismic Toss! Alakazam took 27 DMG (22 HP left)!
  22. Corrected. TURN 8: Scyther used Quick Attack! Alakazam took 6 DMG (32 HP left)! Alakazam used Psychic on Snorlax! Snorlax took 54 DMG (77 HP left)! Snorlax used Seismic Toss! Alakazam took 27 DMG (5 HP left)!
  23. 2 turns, so it'll be available on Turn 9. TURN 7: Scyther used Quick Attack! Alakazam took 5 DMG (39 HP left)! Alakazam used Psychic on Snorlax! Snorlax took 29 DMG (131 HP left)! Snorlax's Special stat fell to 17! Snorlax woke up!
  24. If you're trying to plan ahead by using math, Reflect is worn off so you don't need to use it now. But, for future reference, I take the damage output and multiply it by .33 and then subtract that answer from the output. Example: Damage after reflect = 15 - (15 * 0.33).
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