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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I think the vigilante thing along with sunflowers sifting speaks volumes. I’d vote orange if I could. If he was framed, scum played a good game.
  2. Because my scumplay is totally to point out weak-ass pushes against players that should need more weight before being pushed and then essentially telling the player I was "defending" that he's on his own.
  3. I called him a dumbass because he presented weak arguments when stronger ones could have been made. It was really easy to see how Orange could mistake the Snipe/Mojoman/Snipe posts for TheIrishMan. The right kind of track when scumhunting, but definitely not the kind of track to rely on and present as the basis for your push.
  4. Well, nobody was really buying into Shade's wagon on you, and I was already building up a case on him, so maybe you didn't feel a need to kill him.
  5. What makes you think scum's motives were dealing with problem players rather than find a cop? Two kills, ChopBam and FRAYDO. Neither had a spotlight, yet ChopBam did a fake PR-soft that resulted in him being the first target. FRAYDO was far more random I feel.
  6. No, actually Mojoman isn't necessary. He really does have the capability of being a useful idiot, and his trust is best gained by catching a meager attempt at a towntell and calling it a definitive towntell. You really ought to shut up and let Orange defend himself. I'm obviously capable of lending weight to both scenarios. It's more beneficial of Orange is the one to do it though.
  7. Nobody would believe you if you'd claimed cop, and Sunflower hasn't softed her initial report on FRAYDO at all. So, it's a possible alternative.
  8. Probably the only other scenario is that Shade and Sunflower are the scumteam, Mojoman is the useful idiot, and Shade had Sunflower claim cop on Orange because Shade already had a built-up case and needed to counter my pending onslaught. If Orange wants a way out of this, I think he'll have to try real hard to convince us of this alternative scenario.
  9. So, here's some food for thought. I found Sunflower's softclaim all the way back on D1. Plus her posts after can also be viewed as cop perspective when one considers her role. The fact that the nightkill targets are apparently random instead of who I thought they would be (myself included), leads me to believe that the scum have been cop hunting. I did not see any indication of Sunflower softing who she'd be investigating, so the thought that this could be a set-up by a Framer doesn't hold much water. Shade, Mojoman and I have been untouched entirely. If either of them were scum, I feel like they'd go after me at night. I think Shade is right about TheIrishMan being scum.
  10. Only way she could be fooled is if there’s a Framer. Game seems more basic than that.
  11. Yeah, sunflower has no reason to put the spotlight on herself. If she were scum I think she’d have “confirmed” my suspicions of shade or mojo.
  12. Thanks. Six players are capable of voting, and it's doubtful there are 3 scum. If Sunflower is lying, then five players can vote tomorrow assuming there's a night kill. We're safe to test the cop claim.
  13. Hey @iLikeToSnipe, can we have a list of living players left for MYLO/LYLO calcluation purposes?
  14. WHAT A TWEEST! Too bad I can't vote. Knew there had to be a cop in the game though, and apparently the scum were also looking for the silent cop. Hope there's a doc.
  15. A fair trade. Since I couldn't convince you guys to follow my logic yesterday, today I'll sit back and see what you can come up with yourselves.
  16. I'll take the vote penalty for this third night post because I feel it's important. I urge everyone to go back and read the interaction between Shade and Orange, specifically when Shade was asking Orange about his character name in PM. I didn't realize it at the time, but it makes more sense if Shade is a vanilla town--his PM format would likely mirror that of a vanilla mafia. By asking about PM format, it's a cleverly disguised rolefish. If I'm not dead at daystart I'll push for Shade before Mojo. They can still be a scumteam, but in comparing the two individually, I'm more confident that Shade is scum.
  17. They kill me because I tell them the truth.
  18. Shade is getting my vote tomorrow. He absolutely knew that Nodlied wasn't scum and has zero remorse for it.
  19. Big if true, as it means you and Mojoman are far more likely to be a team.
  20. If you mean my one link that didn't even become embedded, I don't think anyone noticed that you were referencing it when you called yourself a safe lynch. In fact, if that's the primary reason Shade "townreads" you, then it lends more support to the idea that it could have been planned.
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