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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. View File Weed Truck Just a joke I decided to whip up today. Thanks @ChopBam for converting the dds files for me and reconverting them after I made the edits. This pack also replaces the demo horn sounds. Submitter Jeod Submitted 07/20/2017 Category Custom Textures
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Just a joke I decided to whip up today. Thanks @ChopBam for converting the dds files for me and reconverting them after I made the edits. This pack also replaces the demo horn sounds.
  3. So is daystart going to be when the early hammer was, or at the usual time?
  4. That's right, and do you know what that means? UNLIMITED NIGHT POSTS
  5. Damn. I miscalculated. Oh well. I'll still scumhunt, but only if the Allies aren't doing their jobs.
  6. I can do the same. See the Steins;Gate game. As you can see, I am more than willing to "lose" this game if it helps the Allies win. My victory is dependent on the silos being destroyed and my survival to the end, and by choice I have eliminated the latter and consequently ensured that in the event of my death, the silos are almost certain to be destroyed.
  7. My line of thinking is this: If the Allies fail to neutralize the missile silos, then I will side with the Soviets. If the Allies are successful and neutralize the silos, then I will side with the Allies. At present, I have single-handedly shaped the outcome of the game so that the Soviets and Allies can still choose whether I am an asset or a threat. I am lynchproof and bulletproof according to my PM, and so I can only die via nightkill. If you want me dead, you'll have to convince the Allies or the SK to do the deed. Your chances of winning this game are slim to none if you focus on getting me killed. This is pretty much the Hunger Games and I'm President Snow.
  8. Indeed. I only had one gunshot however. As I said, my goal is for the silos to be neutralized. My vote is my weapon.
  9. I'll tell you that lynching me will prove it, as I'll be mod-revealed. I am unlynchable though. I suggest saving that route for later. You have bigger fish to fry.
  10. Then by all means, lynch me. It'd be another waste of your time. And time is precious here.
  11. Not so. I'm speaking the truth. If I wasn't, I wouldn't reveal myself. I've been townread by the majority of you; the only thing that reversed it all was the gunshot.
  12. So, here's the ultimatum: I'm a vote for hire. Since I'm neutral, it doesn't matter to me which side wins as long as the silos are destroyed. The Allies have a normal victory condition with an added timer, and the Soviets have a normal victory condition with an added timer. Take the timer away, and it's a normal mafia game. Take the timer away, and my win condition has been fulfilled. If the Allies fail to find the missile silos or neglect their duties, my vote will go to the Soviets. If they opt to spend their nightkill on me, then their chances of winning decrease. It's simple.
  13. Just as well, the scum should be aiming for the missile silos. That's why I shot KY, you see. I had no clue if the scum would catch the softclaim, and if they did, whether they would aim for KY over a silo. I need them to stay on target and find those missile silos, so I eliminated the threat.
  14. Remember that you'll still have two nightkills even if you manage to hit a scum. The crowd is correct this time that you should be aiming for the third party.
  15. I aimed my gun with intention. I tried to warn ChopBam. He didn't listen. Unfortunately, though, as I don't know who the scum are at the moment, my win condition can still be a failure.
  16. I just told you why I have essentially a 99% chance of winning. I have no idea who the scum are, nor do I care. That's your perogative. I'm just giving you the rundown: 9 living players 2 scum 1 third party 1 neutral 5 townies If you include my vote, then town has 6 votes to hostile's 3 votes. Those are better odds at finding your hostiles. Let's say that scum start aiming for the silos they need. Out of the 5 townies, one (Alstar) is not a silo based on the silo reports I received last night. The scum, not knowing who the third party is, have 5 targets tonight. That's a 2/5, or 40% chance, of hitting a silo. They also have a 20% chance of hitting the third party. I don't know the third party's goal for this game. If they're a serial killer, then they have a 22% chance of hitting scum, a 100% chance of eliminating the neutral party, and a 55% chance of hitting another townie.
  17. Just following my win condition. I figured KY was a cop when he kept saying RADAR in allcaps. A bit too obvious there, KY.
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