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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I don't think I voted anyone today. Anyway, here's my current readlist. Jeod - Not spy Chopbam - Likely town iLikeToSnipe - Null, leaning town FRAYDO - null Category 5 - null Voe - null Retaliaton - null, leaning scum Shade939 - null, leaning scum Anon_Kat - null Louis - Likely town The important thing I want to note here is that I slightly scumread Retaliation and Shade. However, Retaliation and Voe are both voting for Shade today. Therefore, I think there's a reasonable claim in at least one scum in Voe/Retaliation/Shade.
  2. Has anyone else shot this game besides me, iLTS, Orange, Louis, and Mojoman?
  3. At least Shade can stop bitching about the Spy now. The suspect pool for that should be pretty narrowed down by now.
  4. Thanks for not claiming before you shot. I know you were short on time but a role that important should have been claimed in the same post as the shot if not before. Major facepalm.
  5. You shot at my townread out of nowhere, were already scummy, and iLTS had a good point.
  6. He's still reading, and is up to Page 40. Give him a few.
  7. I'm just saying that he's rightfully defensive. It does make me feel more inclined to see Irish flip though.
  8. You did sort of say if Irish is scum then Retal must be a partner. Either it's true or Retal thinks Irish is scum (unlikely since he's votign Shade).
  9. He already asked it in the scumdoc and this was Anon_Kat's answer.
  10. Yeah, that's the other angle I want to look at before I make my shot. If he's scum, who're his buddies? Work had me driving across town for something today (~5.5 hours of work total, but only being compensated for half--I need a new job), so I haven't been able to read into this approach.
  11. I need a reason to shoot you, since I don't scumread you.
  12. You want me, one of your scumreads, to shoot you instead of Irish, another of your scumreads.
  13. Same principle, I am also a scumread to you, so why should you care that I miss?
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