It's not an issue of wealth so much as manpower and experience. I tried your route last year. I donated for textures, and offered more. Ultimately, the textures the team had purchased didn't work out, and I believe before any true progress could be made on a better selection, some internal issues unfolded that eventually led to the next flagship project, Tiberian Sun Reborn, being shut down indefinitely.
This of course leads into motivation problems. One may suggest moving to a different, more up-to-date engine like Renegade X has. Thing is, the W3D engine is a passion for the current developers here. It's a catch-22 from a certain perspective because while setting sights on a modern engine could help bring in more hands, the current developers who have the experience with how W3DHub games are supposed to "feel" would lose their passion.
There really is no elegant solution to the conundrum.