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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. To me this looks more like iLTS v Cat5. Louis ought to web iLTS and see what he’s got.
  2. Because they got the unlucky n1 doc save?
  3. Oh yeah iLTS did say he couldn’t do anything at night didn’t he? Thats bullshit.
  4. I’ll jump in front of the inevitable argument and object. The notion that iLTS is town just because KY visited him no longer holds water.
  5. Actually what can iLTS even do at night? All we’ve seen is wrath.
  6. He tried to guess the nk and visited me apparently.
  7. You said whoever visited you was holding the item right? So louis should web iLTS.
  8. Seems like a proximity item to me. ILTS does the kill, so KY gives him Scatter. I don’t think it’d have been super easy to kill orange either. They must’ve known more about him.
  9. ...so KY passed the scatter item to iLTS n1 and then scanned orange?
  10. So I’m watching fairy tail and erza reminds me of Cat5 for some reason.
  11. I wonder how the night would have played out if scum knew they didn’t have to worry about orange.
  12. I never told him my last ability. It’s a day passive. Why do you think I wanted the bomb and why do you think I asked if it blew up during the day?
  13. Hmm...why mason with FRAYDO of all people? If you were going to manipulate someone to your scummy side it’d be Louis.
  14. I’m gonna be rather disappointed if Cat5 is town because he should be Ace Attorneying way harder than he is.
  15. Who visited Sunflower n1? Anyone?
  16. So Ladies Ape. I assume Monkey See Monkey Take meant taking items from any visitors.
  17. Look it's been a long day. Did you take Sunflower's stuff or what?
  18. He did. So while we have 40 or so hours to muse, Retaliation mind explaining what ascension means?
  19. I've been waiting for you do perform some day action for drama, but it looks like it's going to be a boring day. ##vote Category 5
  20. Indeed. I get the feeling Cat5 has simply been too busy to fill the holes well enough.
  21. You're saying there are two different Scatters? One tied to the role and the other an item?
  22. If you think that then it's a no-brainer.
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