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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Hey, by the way, why is Retaliation on the CvC? He's already Lord Commander.
  2. Side note: I can't take myself seriously with this avatar. Death Knight Teatime is ridiculously funny.
  3. Remember that you or shade can still be voted today to have half your troops sent to the wall for defense which will only make you weaker in the event Cat5 feels he needs to eliminate a threat. Don't take that as a threat--I'm just stating the facts--but cooperation is paramount today.
  4. Do feel free to explain yourself what happened last night then.
  5. If it’s any consolation the free folk act independently. According to rubeci he had nothing to do with attacking you.
  6. Steward doc says we have 2000 FP available, so really the thing we need most is people in the stewards guild to do the burn action.
  7. @Retaliation The free folk desire the remainder of their kin to be allowed passage through the wall. In exchange, rubeci can transfer FP to the stewards (so far just me) to burn corpses. Currently the doc says there are 33,235 bodies at 200 FP per 2,500 burned. I could use Louis’ help to burn 5000 per night. However we will run out of FP quickly. The walkers raised 11,038 last night. My only problem with this is that it grants the free folk more troops. Unless shade and orange can sort out their shit the kingdom will be fighting two factions.
  8. @OrangeP47 did you try to attack shade or rubeci last night?
  9. Indeed. Given that Voe had to redact his post, I believe he was trying to influence the night actions. I'm waiting for rubeci to tell me his side of things.
  10. We’ll see if rubeci has a different mindset. Retaliation I’m going to have to post here since the wall doc is locked for me today. The wildlings still have some kin beyond the wall that seek passage.
  11. I have a spare Steam Key if you're desperate.
  12. [META] Your vote as queen counts as 1+1.1, hence the Royal vote on the final cvc. In the event of a tie, you're always the tiebreaker, so Louis got the lynch.
  13. Prepare yourself, rubeci. The Fallen King is coming.
  14. How could we forget when we never knew in the first place?
  15. You didn't prove him wrong when you had the chance to.
  16. Being a former king has its uses at the wall--I don't need rubeci's help in getting back.
  17. Of course, Voe will probably occupy it if you have one available. So I'll be delayed. However, unless Louis is sent to the wall and then takes over an available empty holding, I'll return from the depths of hell to do battle with the "Free" Folk the following day.
  18. For now. Hope you've got an empty holding for me.
  19. That is the crux of my belief that winter is only a mechanics change and not an apocalyptic threat via NPC enemies.
  20. Here's how the wall works: when sent, one can choose to join Rangers, Builders, or Stewards. Retaliation joined Builders, which lets the wall operate much like kingdom projects. Shade joined Rangers, as did Voe. Rangers can go on expeditions beyond the wall. The problem with this is they "get lost", causing the wall to lose 1000 troops each time and presumably they take over empty holdings in the kingdom. Supposedly rubeci has something to do with this--I'd presume an expedition means a doc with rubeci where he can choose to invite Rangers to join him as a more "permanent" scum since Rebellion is cyclical. Voe did report the day before his expedition that he didn't see any walkers, only rubeci's forces. I can't tell you what Stewards do yet, but they're diplomacy and faith-based. So yes, while most of Louis's troops would go to the wall and stay, she always has the option to leave via rubeci and thus further harm the kingdom side of things.
  21. What makes you think Louis will stay at the wall?
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