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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, do we have confirmation of KY's driving? Some of you have legit had your action randomized, right? And then for me you have my rolecopping FRAYDO and exposing of Louis' passive N2.
  2. Lol I don't know what's wrong with me tonight, I've forgotten key facts in the doc with KY that are literally one line right above what I'm typing, maybe I need to eat some whole grains or something.
  3. I don't have confirmation of what he is one way or another.
  4. He asked for it, scum would think I wouldn't do that, so I did do that. Plus, while he was kinda fishy, he wasn't too fishy.
  5. I didn't appreciate you repeatedly saying you didn't have it even if it was still technically WIFOM
  6. I gave it to Jeod... I guess in the shock of him getting stabbed I failed to mention that.
  7. I tracked KY to Cat 5. Not the best result, but I excluded Sunflower, and I can only work with what I have.
  8. Don't forget about extending or closing our doc btw KY, I have a few questions in there regardless over the night.
  9. Like, I guess part of me expected there to be a TP, and had a hard time believing there'd be TWO neutrals. With Louis around, if she's TP and not scum, the equation changes somewhat. KY has been helpful lately, but early on he was a bit evasive too (it wasn't just me being evasive I think ) that's why I've never ruled him out of being TP. I don't like have anything solid saying he's TP though if that's what you want.
  10. I mean let's be real, killing Jeod just to see what he is is a pretty good reason, even if we're all still agro on Louis
  11. We don't know there are two scum... but we also don't know KY is neutral too...
  12. Louis could still actually be scum, and claiming TP is just a last ditch effort to get us off her case.
  13. Yeah I'm always down for a Crisis game. KY is working on one too and wants to recruit me as Co-Mod that will be Star Trek themed, but I dunno when the ETA on that is.
  14. Ye, randing the actual result is generally not the best.
  15. What killed it for me for awhile was when I was the economy and my power was every night I flipped between town and scum and scum NK'd me N1 while I was scum so the N1 NK was killing scum and scum were like totally unrepentant.
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